Swiss Poster Review

Aileen Yu
Communication Design Fundamentals S18
1 min readFeb 21, 2018
Title: Don Pullen Quartet (1978) by Willisau Niklaus Troxler

Initially, I really liked this poster because of how the colors stood out. The yellow and grey contrast each other and makes the lettering and hands pop; the blue tones give the poster a warm feel- and makes the yellow a little softer. In essence, I really liked the color combination. Though the piano keys take up most of the page, it brings creates movement, and brings the eyes down to the hands and text. The font is easy to read, and has good spacing between the letters. Because it’s scaled a lot bigger, in all caps, in bold, and in an accent color, the title of the group immediately stands out, and even though “1. April Willisau” and “featuring… Battle” are the same fonts, the difference between the weights (regular and light) on the fonts signifies the date/ author and the featuring performers. This gives a sense of hierarchy to the information- and lets the reader know what’s most important on the poster. The traits on these words make the text stand out despite the piano, flag, and hands on the rest of the poster.

