Type & Hierarchy

Deborah Chu
Communication Design Fundamentals S18
3 min readFeb 14, 2018

Typeface Tracing

Adobe Garamond, Didot, Helvetica, Futura (top to bottom)

Typographic Voice


This font felt peaceful and balanced to me. I felt the serifs gave it a pensive quality that went along with the meaning of the word. I felt this font best represented the word melancholy.


The aesthetic of the word in this font looks really nice. Sometimes sadness can be effectively expressed with beauty, so I associated the aesthetic with the word. It seemed peaceful and refined (refined doesn’t go with the word though), but not exactly rigid because of the serifs, which is why I felt this font worked.

DIN Alternate Bold

I felt that this typeface evoked a feeling of isolation, due to the absence of serifs and spacing of the words, which I felt worked with the meaning of the word.

Hoefler Text

I felt that this font looked peaceful and had a nice aesthetic. It seems simple but then the angled serifs at the top make the typeface appear more thoughtful, which went along with the pensiveness of melancholy.

Minion Pro

I felt this font looked peaceful as well, but more bare than the other similar-looking fonts. It looks balanced, which I felt went along with the calmness associated with melancholy.

Typographic Hierarchy


Typographic Weights

Horizontal Shift or Indentation

Typographic Weight and Linespacing

Typographic Weights and Horizontal Shift

Horizontal Shift and Linespacing

Size Change and Typographic Weight

