How To Publish a Post in the Course Blog

An Overly-Detailed Guide


Step 1. Click on the top of the screen (“Write a story”) to start a new blog post. You will be taken to a blank screen where you can begin writing.

Step 2. Begin typing. You can change the size and style of the text (minimally) by highlighting the text and selecting different options.

Step 3. Click on the “plus” icon to add media.

Step 4. When you are finished with your post, hit “Publish” at the top of the screen. There, you can add tags and then publish.

Step 5. Lastly, you must add the post to the publication. Click the three dots at the bottom of the post, choose “add to publication,” select the publication you’d like to contribute to, and click to submit.

Step 6. Your post will not appear on the blog automatically. You will see it when the instructor or TA adds it to the blog.




Julia N. Petrich
Communication Design Fundamentals | Spring 2017

Writer. Reader. Designer. Sly portraitist. Wise fairy. Believer in kairos. People over pixels.