Exercise: Typeface tracing and Typographic Voice


Typeface Tracing exercise

For typographic voice exercise, the word I chose to work with is Future. It was very hard to find typefaces that can best represent future, but I chose the five typefaces that can give certain representation.

First typeface I chose is Herculanum, which we all can agree that the typeface reminds the movie “Troy”. Even though the typeface resembles “old” typeface, I like how the word future is used with a very old typeface which gives a strange balance.

Phosphate gave me a cyberpunk type of feeling when I first saw this typeface. With thick bold letter with white inside, it reminds me of neon signs we see, which is the main reason why I chose this typeface. I feel like Phosphate typeface best represents the word future.

Silom is also somewhat ironic typeface I chose, because it also gives somewhat cyberpunk vibe, but also very classic feeling from early computer era where it was all pixels.

I chose Rockwell as one of the five because of it’s rigid feeling that gives the readers secure image, which can go along well with the word future. Many of us are uncertain with our future, but I feel like this typeface can help those people relieve some of the stress they get.

Finally, Courier New gives a very simple and clean look with it’s thin font. One thing I notice is that at one point, everything that we consider futuristic or good design is simple. I do not know when and how the trend will change, but this typeface depicts the current futuristic trend.

