Project # 2: A World of Squares


I began my process for this project by looking up the definitions of the several word pairs on Following that, I did a bunch of random sketches (some better than others)in my sketchbook in pencil. The following step was digitalizing. After this I worked to perfect the artboards that were closest to done, moving onto less developed ones later on to fill in blank squares for my final project.

Rigid and Fluid

Rigid: stiff or unyielding; not pliant or flexible; hard

After showing the class’s TA my original art boards for rigid, he mentioned that I had to be careful when connecting squares because at some point, they could begin looking more like rectangles than squares. After getting this advice, I began to leave space between the squares of my first art board.

During critique, it was suggested that I start looking at my artboards in pairs to ensure that the word I was representing was clear (because it was becoming hard to tell the difference between the two words). I messed with my current representations of rigid for a little and ultimately just decided to throw the ones I already had out in lieu of a completly different sketch from my sketchbook.

Fluid: pertaining to a substance that easily changes its shape; capable of flowing

My squares for fluid came together pretty quickly. It didn't take very long for me to figure out what I expected fluid to look like and this ultimately helped me decide which of my two art boards I should use.

My squares for the word fluid went pretty well quickly. My squares on the left were ultimately the ones I used as it got the point across quickly and differed wildly from my rigid squares.

Clumsy and Graceful

Clumsy: awkward in movement or action; without skill or grace

My clumsy squares started off without much of a direction but after digitalizing, things became a little clearer.

During in class critiques it was suggested that I use the bottom of the art board as a baseline as opposed to a random line across the middle of my artboard. Things seemed to completly come together after this advice was taken.

Graceful: characterized by elegance or beauty of form, manner, movement, or speech; elegant

My graceful squares took much longer than the other squares and were honestly the most stressful. I struggled most with finding a way to make it look more graceful than fluid and ultimately was unable to find the necessary balance.

At first these squares looked sufficient enough to represent graceful but after a while I could no longer see the gracefulness of them. After speaking to the class’s TA, it was suggested that I mess with the size of the squares in my second artboard but even after messing with the size (and a few other aspects), I was still unable to see the gracefulness in my work.

I felt as though I would need to include some sort of wave or curvy lines in order to portray graceful so I tried that.

At the end of all of this, I was still unable to distinguish my graceful artboards from my fluid artboards and decided no to include this word pair in my final project.

Rhythmic and Erratic

Rhythmic: cadenced; rhythmical.

My rhythmic squares came quite quickly and were pretty much done after a single iteration. During in class critiques it was decided that my second art board would represent rhythmic the best due to the fact that it was very clear and because my first art board took the word a little literally (as it resembles a sound wave).

I ultimately decided to include color in this word pair because I felt as though it would help to put an emphasis on the pattern that could be seen in my rhythmic squares.

Erratic: having no certain or definite course; wandering; not fixed

My erratic squares also came quite quickly and were also pretty much done after a single iteration. It was ultimately decided that I would use my second art board for the final project.

I originally believed that adding color to my erratic squares would increase their “erraticness” but in the end I’m not sure if it made them look more erratic or if they just look a mess…


Figure-Ground: a property of perception in which there is a tendency to see parts of a visual field as solid, well-defined objects standingout against a less distinct background.

My figure ground sketches were quite a mess and hard to figure out but after digitalizing them, they seemed to come together. I ultimately included my second artboard as it seemed to convey the point the easiest.

The Final Project

This is my final project once everything came together on the provided template.


In the end, I had a great time with this project. I often find it hard to express creativity but having such a straightforward yet complexly creative first project allowed me to see that I shouldn’t be too scared of the class. It was a great way to ease myself into the class and made me excited for all that is to come from it.

I obviously still have plenty of work to do but I am excited to watch myself improve.

