Primary Research

Hunter Ford
Communication in our Daily Lives
2 min readMar 1, 2018

I am a member of University at Buffalo’s Award Winning All Male Acappella group known as The Buffalo Chips. I have recently begun using my voice more frequently to grow not only my communication skills but as my influence in to group. As a group we are approaching our annual election, I intend to increase my influence related to the business manger position. This specific position requires the individual who fills it to actively communicate and organize most of the business relations within the group- this could be something as simple as conducting a rehearsal, booking gigs, or even booking concert venues. This position would not be the same if he who fills it lacked strong communication skills.

There are a variety of ways I’ve become involved with this position and begun strengthening my communication skills. My first step taken to strengthen my skills was engaging in business related conversation with our most recent venue- Slee Hall, on Saturday February 24th the chips had our valentine’s day Invitational. The day of the show there is a heavy flow of communication between the venue and our group to allow for a seamless transition when moving in equipment and setting up for the show. The Chips Business Manager couldn’t be present, so I assumed the associated responsibilities.

In addition to communicating with Slee Hall personnel, I have recently been taking the liberties to post on the chips Instagram for our recent advertising campaigns. These campaigns involved advertising for our upcoming show, and upcoming album release- the series of posts I was involved with were carefully worded to draw attention to specific audiences, and strategically posted to get the most exposure. These posts aren’t directly auditory communication, but are a very import method of communication through both visuals and text. These different means of communication allow me to strengthen different aspects of my soft skill.



