Secondary Research- MGG Medium

Hunter Ford
Communication in our Daily Lives
2 min readMar 5, 2018
“Four young people smiling while talking near a staircase outside a building” by Alexis Brown on Unsplash

Today’s post is going to focus on one of my peer’s publication and how I can apply their work to my own. I have selected a publication by Scott Covino- a fellow student taking MGG 303 with me. I have been following along as Covino has been working to improve a soft skill- Public Speaking, which goes hand in hand with my soft skill of communication.

Scott has spent time personally trying to engage in public opportunities to make his voice heard, recently he began preparing for the Regional Mock Trial Tournament located here in Buffalo, New York. His goal in the tournament is to argue a case in the defense of their client. This process is very lengthy and requires not just the ability to speak well in front of a crowd, but to form questions in a specific manner. It is this aspect of Covino’s work that I am most interested in as it directly relates to my work in communication. To achieve a successful verdict, he must use verbal communication in a public to convey a clear and organized message.

I personally have had numerous chances to practice my public speaking during my high school career- I starred in a number of musicals, was captain of two varsity teams, and class vice president. This provided me many outlets to grow and become more comfortable in front of crowds. It is now my intension to focus in and grow the more in-depth aspect of communication. Scott currently aims to grow in the way I did some time ago. He seems to be on a great path doing fine work, I wish him well and hope to one day see him speak publicly. I hope to use the diligence taken to form his courtroom proceedings to solidify the structure required to communicate effectively.



