Secondary Research- Text Source

Hunter Ford
Communication in our Daily Lives
2 min readMar 5, 2018
Photo by Headway on Unsplash

For my final blog post I will be discussing information I’ve gathered from a book I found in the library, and how I have use said information to further strengthen my soft skill. I have selected “Communication in Business” by S. Bernard Rosenblatt, T. Richard Cheatham, and James T. Watt. I chose this book due to its relevance and the amount of in text information I could apply to my work.

The authors of Communication in business took the time to single out aspects of communication that are normally thought to be common knowledge which allows for deeper understanding. An example of this would be their efforts list out the forms of communication- Oral, Written, Audio-Visual, Visual, and Nonverbal. In addition they list subsections of each the above forms. In many ways I can use this list to help sort the ways I can communicate for my interviews and on The Buffalo Chips instagram account.

Further into the books the authors touch on the basics of body language saying quote “Studies of body language and other nonverbal behavior, and they have then related or identified these actions with actual content of the message being transmitted.” An example of this saying “Good morning” with a smile and good posture and a smile compared to saying the same phrase with a frown and poor posture- the immediate difference between the two is the perception of the phrase.

I can use both of these pieces of information to present myself or my organization in a more professional manner. This could lead to me advancing in the interview process or gaining a great following for The Buffalo Chips. Throughout this project I have gained incite that is unparalleled and is giving me the tools to grow. I intend to continue this pursuit of knowledge outside of the classroom and this project as it has been a great experience.


