Kim K

KarleyAnna Daudell
Communication & New Media
3 min readJun 24, 2015

Who better to do glitch art with than Kim Kardashian the queen of social media and all things internet? Who better to completely mess up and distort than what some people call the ultimate sex icon?

I began my artistic journey by completely messing up the picture I had chosen of Kim Kardashian. Basically, I wanted to take a seemingly flawless image and destroy every aspect that Photoshop helped create. I deleted certain parts of the picture and typed over things to obtain as much imperfection as I possibly could. By then, I had completely torn it apart and made Kim K exist no more. It was all over the place in a huge mess, and you were unable to tell who it was. Consequently, the image was unable to be opened. That’s not exactly what I wanted.

Moving forward, I had a new approach, and I knew I wanted to cover up her well-known curves and mess up her perfect body. Kim Kardashian has become an international sex symbol, and this was my escape to show how I feel about the over-sexualized media. It is because of them that the female image is so misrepresented, and women all over are self-conscious due to images like the one I chose to distort. By moving the image around and taking away the things that have made Kim so famous, I felt I was able to take away the media’s perception of sexiness and perfection.

Who is Kim Kardashian without her huge boobs, her perfect butt, her cropped shirts, and her long form fitting skirts? What is she without every piece of hair in place, and her sun kissed skin tone? What is the selfie queen if she is not perfect? She is just another person with a name, a face, and a story. She is no more than any one person in the world and no less.

My picture says that even the most perfect person is not perfect. We live in a society where being sexy can make you millionaire, and fake body parts are the norm. But what are you without all of it? Why do we have to be so damn perfect all the time? These questions are entirely why I made one of the world’s sexiest people and the most perfect picture not sexy and imperfect. I put her perfect face at the bottom of her body so you could not see her boobs and changed the color so her skin tone was not the beautifully tanned skin. I wanted to take away everything that world looks for and give a picture that the world should see. This was no disrespect to Kim Kardashian, but when a message has to be sent, I believe it is best to go for the person and/or thing that will stand out the most. Bring the most well-known person and make them just as normal as the next. Beauty is more than what the eye sees. Beauty is found within.

