My 2025- The Peace and Unity Robot

Monique James
Communication & New Media
3 min readFeb 17, 2015

The big issue of racism and discrimination has taken the turn for the worst in the past. There were many incidents of racial and discriminatory behavior 10 years ago. These incidents include memorable circumstances such as the Ferguson trial/Michael Brown case, and the Eric Garner case bringing about the epidemic phrase “I can’t breathe.” Each of these cases had a common factor of racial profiling and these black men were killed impulsively by police officers. These were senseless acts of brutal murders and these victims were treated inhumanely. The common idea of the future 10 years ago included the use of robots and their service for humans.

Well, the futuristic robot has finally come. Our society is taking a solid turn this week in presenting a new communication robot to the world that encourages the end to ongoing inequality issues that have been around for centuries. This new robot is called the Peace and Unity Robot.

There have been many attempts from strong hold believers of equality to unite every human race by ways of conducting protests and marches and motivational speeches. Unfortunately, it has not ended the deeply rooted nature of hatred and nonacceptance of other cultures in our society. This proves that the time has finally come to try something new. People may be amazed at this newly designed robot which will be programmed to enhance relationships between people, and give consumers the opportunity to learn more about others in an attempt to conquer and destroy the elements of racism.

The intention of creating these robots was made in hopes to give everyone a new perspective of unity and to show the similarities of everyone to create respect and acceptance despite identity. Its purpose is to bring awareness of the equalities and common ground every human being should be aware of in order to perceive every person in proper perspective while allowing each other to live and grow in the beauty of diversity. Prejudices and racism are issues that continue to arise throughout history but never seem to have completely disappeared.

The issue of prejudice and discrimination are major topics that many people believe need to be addressed and prevented. There are many devastating behavioral traits such as treating each other with disrespect without compassion which leads to immoral values and actions. Some benefits that may be apparent are helping all people see the humanity of life and the importance of caring for others. The world may change with spreading elements of peace and harmony with this robotic figure.

The Peace and Unity Robot is the first ever full figured body robot to represent the image and features of a person and contains the ideas and feelings of a human being. The robot has the exact appearance of a human’s face and body and reveals emotion to others. There is a microchip that is inserted in the back of the robot that contains all the personality and life of the robot. It has an easy setup. It is available to the public for people who are interested in learning about others who are of a different nationality, background and beliefs than themselves.

These unity robots are programmed to explain and answer any questions the consumer wants to know about this type of person. As an example, the consumer asks the robot what their views on their community are and it will answer back based on its point of view.

These robots are also made to live with the consumer to interact as a family member or friend. The consumer can buy or rent it for a certain amount of days to learn from it and can then return it at the end of the contract agreement. The criteria for rental include the age group of 21 or older, criminal background checks, as well as a psychological evaluation to help prevent any misuse and abuse of the robots.

What a wonderful world this would be if we learned how to live in harmony with one another without racism and discrimination. The advantages of using these robots can possibly end the evils of prejudices caused predominately due to uneducated thoughts and ideas about individuals of a different culture.

