The Cartoon of the City

Heidi Meyer
Communication & New Media
3 min readMar 22, 2016

First learning about Glitch Art, the first thing that came to mind was how I personally view art. I then thought about all of the trips I have gone on and the many beautiful places I have visited. One idea that crossed my mind was how I can depict a city in a more story book and comic setting. By remembering the beauty of these places you take pictures so you can go and see what you really like. Cities are known for big buildings and beautiful views. Architecture that will take your breath away, popular tourist attractions, and a sense of beauty walking down the busy streets. Nashville has many popular spots that are known for their incredible views and the spot where I took this picture is one of them. This building is known as the batman building because of its structure of the building, and the antenna look like the batman’s mask. It was a warm cloudy day when I took this picture. It looks like it is going to rain but it never did. Nashville is known for country music and southern BBQ, but not a superhero. I really like how this building gives a new perspective to a city that is known for so much more. After messing around in the app The Glitch Lab I was able to create new a perspective of what a building in downtown Nashville can look like. The new glitched photo turned into a pixelated blurry image, making it seem more like a cartoon. In order to create this new version of this picture, I messed with the coding makeup of the photo. By deleting, retyping, and rearranging some of the words and letters I was able to manipulate the photo and distort it to make something new. I wanted to make it seem more like a cartoon to depict the image in a comic. The idea of a city building transformed into a cartoon was fascinating to me. The colors are still there, showing it is a cloudy day, but the pixilation of the AT&T building is what makes it unique. It shows that beauty can still be captured within a picture no matter how much you change it. When you look at the picture you keep wanting to know what it uses to be and why it is glitched the way it is. The idea of Batman and how the comics look and knowing how pixilated the pictures are, that is what I tried to portray in my glitch art. The batman building is the main focus of the photo can let the viewer know that the city depicted is Nashville and that is where the batman building is located. Although it is distorted, you can still tell that there is a building in a major city. The color scale is also another part of this photo I found very interesting. The pixilated colors all together and blurred shows more of what a cartoon is like and how a city building can be turned into a cartoon. Over this entire picture is a new cartoon adventure in a busy city live of Nashville. My experience with finding my passion about travel and superhero’s is what glitch art piece is all about. It reveals that under a beautiful exterior, a photo with perfect lighting, and different angles this photo represents how you can transform an image and reveal all of the small and large parts that make what I love to do and share with everyone.

