The Different Looks of YouTube

Christina Tzioti
Communication & New Media
3 min readApr 27, 2017

Each website we visit on a daily basis has its own distinct look which is transforming as time goes on. This means it didn’t always look like it does today.

A website known as allows for any website URL to be plugged into a search bar which then takes the URL and traces it back years to show what its homepage looked like through screenshots.

Playing around with this was enjoyable since it’s proof of how technology and the format of websites has greatly advanced over time. Websites weren’t as advanced 20 or even 10 years from now compared to what you see on websites today. Cool fonts, different colors, adding multiple images are just some of the things that can be found on websites today that couldn’t be found on many in the past. After plugging in multiple different URLs, I chose to speak about a website that will be familiar to everyone reading this.

YouTube was founded in February of 2005, that’s 12 years ago…crazy I know. This website is well known for video sharing giving the option for people to pretty much find videos on anything they want.

This screenshot was taken on June 26, 2005 which is a few months after it had been shared with the public. This version of the homepage clearly has its logo in the middle making it known who they are. A search tab in order to look for a video, a clickable link to upload your own video, the choice to sign up or log in, featured videos, and what looks like are the most commonly searched words.

Going forward 5 years…

This was taken April 2, 2010, five years after the last screenshot. The different layout shows the advacement they have gained in just five short years. With some of the same details like the logo, search bar, and feautured videos some changes are also very apparent. Videos being watched now is something they have added, the layout of the homepage looks organized and not centered, and a spot to connect personally with the user called “What’s New” allows the user to click on links that will help them better understand YouTube.

Another 5 years and look where we are…

This was taken on July 21, 2015. Was Taylor Swift popular at the time? I couldn’t tell. Besides showing Taylor Swift’s most watched music videos at the top of the homepage there are other changes. The layout of the homepage looks more organized and modern, showing many different clickable videos with great image quality. A sidebar offers different subjects you can choose from depending on your interests. Still able to sign in to your account, it’s kept the necessities it offered since day one but has made it a much more enjoyable experience.

Using this WayBack Machine has made me appreciate that others took the time to record what websites looked like back when I wasn’t even aware they existed. This site has 284 billion pages saved into its archives which gives you the chance to see what your most visited website looked like 10+ years ago.

