KarleyAnna Daudell
Communication & New Media
3 min readJun 2, 2015


It’s finally here! This solution is going to help me so much. We both know how I have struggled with dyslexia my entire life, and now I will never have to deal with it again. The MIND just came out today, and everyone is going out to have it placed within their bodies. Not only does is help correct the number and letter order problem associated with dyslexia, but the MIND will help people with explaining something that they know but cannot articulate. This new technology is exactly what we need as a culture to help communication between people. It will correct all neurological disorders and potentially make them nonexistent.

With advancements in nanotechnology and biomechanics, the MIND can be placed and fused directly to any human being’s brain. The MIND enters your body through high frequency vibrations and locates the problem. It will be virtually painless and completely unnoticeable. The MIND will become one with the person, seamlessly coating the brain and spinal cord to help the person with language, memory, explanation, and so on. It is incredibly exciting to have this wonderful solution.

The first problem that the MIND can correct is people’s inability to explain things that they know but cannot get out in words. It will help in classrooms and for people in everyday life. It can make for a more positive environment because people will feel comfortable knowing that they will be able to express how they feel without any hitch. People will no longer stumble through their sentences even though they have a competent understanding of what they are having trouble explaining. Even now, as I type this e-mail, the ????? would be very helpful to me in explaining this concept. I cannot wait to go and get it placed within me because it will also help with my dyslexia.

Like myself, many people with dyslexia have filled in the wrong bubble on tests, answered the wrong numbered question, or completely misspelled the simplest of words because of their disability. That won’t be a problem after they have the MIND placed. It will improve test scores and reading abilities for those that suffer with dyslexia. Students will benefit greatly, and the future of our country will be filled with students that no longer struggle. We will have a much less frustrated society.

So far, the MIND is absolutely safe and FDA approved. Scientists and researchers believe this is the safest and most effective way to treat people with dyslexia and other neurological disorders. It will be placed in people with serious cases first because the government wants to better the world in the most effective way possible. By eliminating disorders in the most serious of cases, the world will be a safer place, and communication between people will become the best it has ever been. Slowly, the MIND will then be placed into the rest of the adults around the world but only if they truly need it. It is believed that once the MIND is placed in every legal adult, the world will be able to reach a state of peace.

Eventually, newborns will be able to receive the MIND. This achievement will be one that will change the world for the better. Babies neurologic pathways will still develop in a healthy manner but those babies that are diagnosed with disorders like autism, cerebral palsy, and multiple sclerosis will highly benefit from the MIND. It will be the gold standard at birth, wiping out any neurologic disorders that babies were diagnosed with or were at risk of getting. These disorders will no longer exist. The MIND is going to be the most amazing advancement in science for years to come. I’m exciting to see where our world goes.

With love,


