Believe this…

Wizard of Wisdom
Life Lessons by Wizard of Wisdom
2 min readFeb 19, 2024

It is a harsh reality that the physical and mental conditions of individuals with disabilities can be exacerbated by the way they are treated by society. This is more prevalent in societies where there is an overabundance of understanding, empathy, or even pity.

I was once of the opinion that this was not the case until I had an enlightening conversation with a knowledgeable individual. This person was able to explain the intricacies of this issue to me and I found that I could connect these explanations to some of my own experiences that had previously seemed unappreciated and dismissed.

Ask yourself, who enjoys being treated as if they lack intelligence? This is especially hurtful when the person treating you this way believes that they are acting in your best interest or assisting you in achieving your goals. This is far from the truth as what we truly seek is increased awareness and equal treatment.

The subconscious mind is a powerful entity. It is aware of everything that goes on around us, every thought we have, every word we say and our reactions and responses to different situations. This powerful mind has the ability to impose changes to your mental and physical state as well as your perception of reality.

When you are constantly thanking people for their assistance with menial tasks that you are capable of performing on your own, your mind registers this. It takes note of the patronizing public’s behavior and starts to believe that this is the treatment you desire. It then uses its formidable power to ensure that such occurrences happen more frequently. This is why societal conditioning is so prevalent.

We should strive to make our community a more inclusive and understanding place for everyone. Think about it, if you were in the position of a disabled person, how would you want to be treated? Would you want to be handled with kid gloves or treated like a regular member of society? Would you want to be treated as if you were incapable of anything, or as a valuable member of society?

Physical differences should never be equated with a lack of intelligence. We must all strive for understanding and acceptance. Welcome to our world.



Wizard of Wisdom
Life Lessons by Wizard of Wisdom

Existence is the best teacher, many great masters have not equated to all the marvellous, sometimes brutal lessons life has taught me. I grow exponentially.