My Elaborate and Comprehensive Theory

Wizard of Wisdom
Life Lessons by Wizard of Wisdom
5 min readFeb 2, 2024

The core of my theory is quite straightforward and can be summarised as follows: Always speak the truth, for it is more likely to convey the depth and breadth of wisdom and knowledge that one has accumulated over time. By diligently and thoroughly engaging with this textbook, it is almost certain that you will be impacted and educated in ways that you may not have anticipated, and this education will encompass multiple facets of life.

I am filled to the brim with excitement and anticipation, for I have been waiting for the right moment to share the vast knowledge that I have accumulated over the years, knowledge that is as expansive as a completed series of encyclopaedias. This moment has finally arrived, and I would like to express my deepest gratitude towards all the known and unknown entities that have facilitated the creation and distribution of this work.

Although this work is largely biographical, the parts that originated from memory were always apparent. I have always chased after a universe of sense and inclusivity, where deviance is abolished and understanding is promoted to its highest level.

The conceptualization of my theories is subjectively real, as real as the phenomena that seem saintly directed to me. The deviant concepts are spoken aloud, not to condemn, but to expose those who believe their intolerable gestures remain hidden from the world.

Even with regrets, I still extract value from these concepts and demonstrate that defining your own reality is an ability that everyone possesses. Knowledge of treachery has value, not for the purpose of exploiting others, but to guard oneself against it. I have firsthand knowledge of the consequences and legitimizations of such actions.

Every individual is capable of finding a legitimate reason for opposing sense, manner, or regulation, to test the boundaries of the given rule, if they so choose. Regulating sensible manner and hindering regrets can transform them into non-affecting and easy-to-avoid situations.

We all deserve a landmark in the evolution of our understanding

In this work, I discuss what I firmly believe should be taught in schools today. I have mentioned the importance of emotional intelligence, but I also want to emphasize the power of words and speech on both parties involved in a conversation, the impact of micro-aggressions, the ability to create your own reality through the power of our minds, and the importance of incorporating disability inclusion into our society. I must acknowledge that this has significantly progressed since my time.

I struggle to comprehend the politics of even today’s world. They claim to strive for better societies, so why is so much information never revealed? Except to a select few or those who can afford such an education.

We cannot afford to ignore any section of society. Selective selection is unjust and we must strive to incorporate everyone.

My journey began as a personal quest for rehabilitation, but along the way, I learned so much that I felt compelled to share this knowledge with others.

I have a lot to share, and this book or podcast is a significant landmark in that endeavor.

This material may seem trivial at first, but I assure you it has the potential to enrich your life and the lives of those around you.

I have my own issues about controversy. We all do our best and are entitled to respond to controversy. The impact, however, depends on your genuine passion for the cause. I have a few causes I am passionate about, but improvements to overall humanity is top on my list.

You’re about to embark on the most honest and effective education you have ever received.

I learned massively, without fully comprehending the breadth of what I knew. Put into tangible practice, you will witness life at an entirely new level!

This work is part biography, part life guide. I spent my time to educate others because life has so much to offer to those who seek.

Too much information is withheld from us, and I cannot comprehend why and what sense this makes, in a world that is as diverse as ours.

A Detailed Glimpse into the Depths of My Intentions

In the vast realm of psychology, behaviours play a crucial role. The reinforcement of these behaviours, whether negative or positive, greatly influences their repetition. A negative reaction to a particular behaviour tends to diminish its frequency, suggesting that the individual is less likely to repeat it. In contrast, a positive response to a behaviour significantly increases the likelihood of its repetition. This fundamental concept is not only applicable to the developmental stages of children, but it also holds true in the context of adult behavioural patterns.

Through the lens of behavioural psychology, which focuses on observable behaviours, we comprehend that our learning and memory are sculpted by repetition and conditioning. These two elements serve as the cornerstone of behavioural psychology. However, cognitive psychology offers another perspective on this. It delves deeper into the unobservable aspects such as problem-solving and memory retention, thereby providing a more comprehensive understanding of the human psyche.

Shifting the spotlight to the person-centred approach, it’s essential to understand that this perspective takes into account the environmental factors surrounding an individual. It’s a holistic view that considers the person within their unique context, rather than focusing solely on their behaviours or cognitive processes.

As an individual who values honesty, or perhaps this is a manifestation of my inherent laziness, but throughout my writing process, I have made a deliberate choice to include exactly what I had initially anticipated and wrote in both of my books, aptly titled ‘My Discoveries.’ These works are also available for your listening pleasure on my Podcast, the details for which can be found on the very first page of this book.

Throughout my literary journey, my writing has traversed and explored myriad places and spaces. I am currently starting from where I am most comfortable — with ‘My Discoveries’ — because I firmly believe that you, as the reader, will glean tremendous benefits from these particular works. This is not to say that the book concludes with lessons of any lesser importance. On the contrary, I have made a conscious effort to provide you with as much value as possible right from the beginning, to entice you to eagerly turn the page and read on.

I have learned through my extensive research that it is often more beneficial to produce multiple smaller books rather than one large tome. However, the vision I have for this book demands that it encompasses all of my experiences. I am not driven by greed. Instead, I prioritize offering value to my readers before seeking any sort of profit. I urge you to stick with this book, as it promises to impart a great deal of knowledge.

The world has undergone significant changes since I penned the first quarter of this book, and the narrative has evolved to reflect these shifts. I have experienced different realities for each quarter of the book, and I am certain this is evident in the text.

These early chapters are concise, with each focusing on a single subject. However, I can assure you that you may learn more than one lesson on every page. I chose to begin here because I am currently twenty years into a journey of recovery. During my rehabilitation, I found myself needing to relearn everything. This process was akin to reliving an entire lifetime. I consider myself fortunate because I was able to overlay my previous, albeit vague, learning experiences with new information. This ignited an insatiable addiction to research, particularly in the realm of self-help. Through this quest for knowledge, I was able to uncover some simple yet incredibly helpful facts and remedies that anyone could implement in their own lives.



Wizard of Wisdom
Life Lessons by Wizard of Wisdom

Existence is the best teacher, many great masters have not equated to all the marvellous, sometimes brutal lessons life has taught me. I grow exponentially.