Persons with a disability, comprehension is appreciated but don’t overdo this.

Wizard of Wisdom
Life Lessons by Wizard of Wisdom
4 min readFeb 22, 2024

The issue of stigma, prejudice, and discrimination faced by individuals with disabilities is deeply rooted in society. These issues are not just overt, but can often be found in more subtle forms. Even seemingly harmless deviations or well-intentioned gestures can provoke intolerance, largely because these experiences are so regular and pervasive in the lives of those with disabilities. This constant exposure can compound the emotional and psychological challenges associated with their physical limitations, adding another layer of difficulty to their daily lives.

This text refers to the negative biases, prejudices, and discrimination that people with disabilities often experience. The phrase “mainstream, even subtle deviances or nice gestures” suggests that this discrimination can be found in everyday situations and interactions, and can be perpetuated even through well-intentioned but misinformed actions. These ongoing experiences can contribute to a lack of tolerance or patience in individuals who are consistently on the receiving end of such behaviour.

Individuals living with disabilities often face their own unique set of challenges and difficulties. These can range from physical or mobility issues, to cognitive impairments, which may be the result of potential brain damage. Such conditions could impact their confidence and self-esteem, making it more difficult for them to engage in daily activities or social interactions. Despite these challenges, it’s important to remember that they possess their own strengths and abilities, and should be provided with the necessary support and resources to overcome their difficulties.

Communication is the cornerstone of human interactions, it is the very essence that makes our lives meaningful and interconnected. It is through the exchange of thoughts and ideas that we are able to understand each other and navigate the world around us.

A fruitful and productive conversation has the power to diffuse tension and redirect aggression or annoyance. It can convert negativity into understanding, fostering a climate of mutual respect and empathy. Conversely, a non-comprehensive or one where you are simply not listened to, a one-sided conversation is, from my experience, just as harmful, if not more, than no communication at all.

When you truly engage in a conversation, you create a space for introspection and dialogue. You think, you ponder, you work out your grievances. This process of dialogue and introspection can be life-altering for some, a simple conversation I mean. The power of conversation is such that it can steer the course of life itself, impacting decisions and shaping destinies.

However, it is also essential to acknowledge that communication requires effort and investment. You should not feel obliged to enter a conversation if you feel you cannot put in the requisite effort or attention. That being said, always remember that every conversation is an opportunity for learning. You never know, you might stumble upon a fresh perspective, gain new insights, or simply learn something about your own self.

In the intricate tapestry of life, fallacies and contradictions often weave themselves into our understanding and perception. One needs to tread carefully in this realm, recognizing the potential pitfalls of making claims or statements based on assumptions that may not necessarily hold true. Pre-conceived notions and biases, a product of societal conditioning, often cloud our judgement, affecting our interactions and decisions, whether we acknowledge it or not.

In my personal journey, I have found that generalizations, fallacies, and contradictions have had a significant impact, particularly due to my experience with disability. This, of course, could be a fallacy in and of itself, highlighting the complexity of the issue at hand. It’s through these struggles that one gains a nuanced understanding of the world and its workings.

One common issue is the assumption that the actions or beliefs of an individual or a group are representative of poor judgement. Yet, when these actions or beliefs align with the norm or popular opinion, they are seldom questioned. This can be particularly challenging when attempting to exercise fair judgement in situations where the status quo is so deeply entrenched.

Authority is often invoked as a means to validate these assumptions and beliefs. However, one must question why certain voices, such as those of disabled individuals, are not heard as often. It’s a well-known fact that proving a negative proposition is an impossible task. This reality makes living with a disability even more challenging, as it often gives rise to negativity and misconceptions.

The absence of personal experience with a particular circumstance or condition does not negate its existence. However, it is not uncommon for individuals to dismiss what they have not personally experienced, which can lead to further misunderstandings and misconceptions.

The middle ground, a space where compromise and mutual understanding can be found, is often seen as the most palatable option. This is because it allows for the avoidance of extremes, which are generally seen as less acceptable.

However, when it comes to disability, the situation is often seen in black and white terms, with little acknowledgment of the middle ground. This fallacy can lead to a lack of understanding and empathy, further compounding the challenges faced by individuals with disabilities.

Individuals living with disabilities often face their own unique set of challenges and difficulties. These can range from physical or mobility issues, to cognitive impairments, which may be the result of potential brain damage. Such conditions could impact their confidence and self-esteem, making it more difficult for them to engage in daily activities or social interactions. Despite these challenges, it’s important to remember that they possess their own strengths and abilities, and should be provided with the necessary support and resources to overcome their difficulties.



Wizard of Wisdom
Life Lessons by Wizard of Wisdom

Existence is the best teacher, many great masters have not equated to all the marvellous, sometimes brutal lessons life has taught me. I grow exponentially.