Sub conscious participant, help and support one another.

Wizard of Wisdom
Life Lessons by Wizard of Wisdom
2 min readFeb 19, 2024

Indeed, it’s a fact that your mind is significantly altered by your surroundings and experiences! Your subconscious mind, acting like a vigilant observer, will pick up on all the minor expressions of gratitude and even the most subtle acts of exclusion. These experiences can have a profound impact, allowing your subconscious mind to wield its powerful influence and shape your perception of reality. Furthermore, given the intricate connection between the brain and the body, this psychological conditioning can exacerbate physical disabilities. This is due to the body’s response to the mental and emotional stress, which can have tangible, physical effects. Your mind and body are intertwined, and your mental state can indeed worsen physical ailments.

By influencing the neuronal pathways and connections, which serve as the powerhouse of your body’s capabilities, movement, and sensation, this can directly impact the signals that are sent throughout the body. These pathways and connections are intricate networks that play a critical role in how our bodies function and respond. Any alteration or disruption in these pathways can lead to significant changes in how our bodies perceive and respond to various stimuli, thereby affecting our overall functioning.

Your subconscious is not just a silent observer, but a participant in all the internal and external dialogues you engage in. This includes any arguments you have with yourself or any opposition you express towards others. It’s like a silent but active partner, constantly listening, processing, and attempting to find an option of least resistance that it considers to be the best for you. It bases this judgment on the inputs it receives, such as the seemingly menial expressions of gratitude you make. If, in its assessment, a decline in agility or mental acuity is what this deep-seated part of your mind considers will deliver what is delved for your best interest, it will steer you towards that path. Therefore, it’s crucial to understand the power of the subconscious and the role it plays in our decision-making processes.

Individuals with good intentions, often referred to as well-wishers, have the potential to inadvertently cause harm that can be just as detrimental as the actions of those who exploit others. This harm can manifest in various ways, such as prompting a withdrawal or reclusion of the mind, or causing a misstructure of the body. These well-intentioned individuals might believe they are contributing positively, but their actions could unintentionally have negative consequences. This is a subtle but crucial point to understand, as it underscores the complex nature of human interactions and the delicate balance that must be struck in our efforts to help and support one another.



Wizard of Wisdom
Life Lessons by Wizard of Wisdom

Existence is the best teacher, many great masters have not equated to all the marvellous, sometimes brutal lessons life has taught me. I grow exponentially.