profile of Pious Nsajja

Published in
3 min readFeb 19, 2020

He is a hero, a sports man, a leader, educated and bachelor. He is capable of interfacing difficult situations to overcome them. He is God fearing man and loves almost everyone the way she or he is. He jazzes were necessary but becomes shy when talking about love affairs because he fears girls. Guess who? He is dark-skinned moderate gentleman from Busoga region called Nsajja pious.

Nsajja Pious

He is a finalist student at Makerere University pursuing bachelor’s degree in journalism and communication. Though he studies at Makerere, he is son born of Muguluka village, Buwenge division Jinja district. He is second born of Nsajja Moses his late dad. Pious he so privileged because he has been a leader at the school of languages, literature and communication as sports minister in year 2018/2019 which gave him visibility amongst the students including freshers who reported in the next academic year. He his regime, he managed to organize two sports galas at Makerere main ground popularly known as tear gas arena in which he class won one of the gala.

Also being a leader in Nseete (an association of Basoga students at Makerere University) as general secretary, widens his profile and more visibility inside Makerere because he has on different association meetings represented Nseete and outside Makerere he has managed to visit different offices such as that of director of planning Mr. Muvawala soliciting aid for their association and this work was not in vain because Busoga Nseete managed to emerge as winners in 2018 cultural gala.

With a friend from Nseete on his graduation

His academic journey right from nursery to university has been rougher because he has faced different downs and ups which hardened his life and academics at large but managed to overcome them on God’s mercy. He started schooling as early as 4 years at Budaka c/u primary school where he left and joined Mutima primary school in Masindi district where he learnt different languages from such as Kiswahili, Rutooro and others because that school was comprised of very many tribes and as of now, he cannot easily be blackmailed too because he at least understands word in most languages in Uganda. Due to financial related problems, he left that school and joined Kididima primary school in Masindi. Because it was cheaper one and this is where he completed his primary seven. Due to family conflicts, he left Masindi and came back to Jinja his cardinal land and continued his studies from there. He joined one of the prominent schools in Jinja called Jinja progressive secondary school where he completed both his O and A level before joining Makerere University.

This sports loving man is among the three directors of the Equalizer an online sports news paper ( Since he is the legal advisor, he looks forward to seeing that this newspaper becomes popular in the next two years to attract advertisers so that they earn a reasonable amount of money.

Pious with minister of sports (shadow gov’t)

Having lost some of his properties to thieves including a laptop, both university and national identity cards and some money, he remains strong and have hope that he will once reach his desired destination of becoming marketing and strategic communication specialist. He adds that he wants to be that man who will always stay in a happy life with a happy family and friends. He hate stressing himself and boredom that is why he watches films as well as football whenever he feels depressed.

