Dominant and Subordinate Culture

Critical Reflection #2

What? In the article The Complexity of Identity: “Who Am I?” written by Beverly Daniel Tatum she states “Dominant groups, by definition, set the parameters within which subordinates operate.” Thus, the dominant culture dictates what is socially acceptable and what is not. “Worse yet, the negative messages of the dominant group about the subordinates may be internalized, leading to self-doubt or, in its extreme form, self-hate.” (Tatum) This helps to further strengthen the dominant culture as members of subordinate cultures feel that they must adapt unless they have developed a strong identity of self. In the very beginning of the article Tatum writes “Who am I? The answer depends in large part on who the world around me says I am.” This answers the question about how are dominant and subordinate cultures are defined.

So What? The power relationship can lead subordinate groups to feeling like they are inferior to the dominant culture. The power relationship is often ignored by the dominant culture as they they are either unaware of being associated with the dominant culture, or they do not care as they a reaping the benefits of being part of the accepted dominant culture. “The dominant group assigns roles to the subordinate that reflect the latter’s devalued status, reserving the most highly valued roles in the society for themselves.” (Tatum)

Now What? The relationship between the dominant and subordinate groups can change when the dominant group is no longer “defined as thin, white, male, Christian and financially secure.” (Tatum) As the demographics of this country changes, so should the dominant culture. I believe that Verghese would say acknowledging what others have experienced. We have to put down our guards and be willing to show our own vulnerabilities “The willingness to be wounded may be all we have to offer.” (Verghese 4) From my life experience, I think that if we simply begin to treat everyone with respect it will help to make a change.

