Prompt 1: We Make the Road By Walking

The relationship between practice, theory, and knowledge:

“I started also recognizing the fantastic importance of the way the people think, speak, act the design of it all. Then I have to understand the experience, the practice of the people. But I also know that without practice there’s no knowledge; at least it’s difficult to know without practice. We have to have a certain theoretical kind of practice in order to know also. But practice in itself is not its theory. It creates knowledge, but it is not its own theory.”

This demonstrates that you can study something but if you have not practiced or experienced what you have studied then you still do not have full knowledge of that subject.

Neutrality is problematic:

“It has nothing to do with anything but agreeing to what is and will always be-that’s what neutrality is. Neutrality is just following the crowd. Neutrality is just being what the system asks us to be. Neutrality, in other words, was an immoral act.”

This means that being neutral means not taking a stand against acts of injustice. Meaning that if you do not stand up for example ‘women’s rights’ yet you do not speak up against it, your silence or neutrality is still problematic.

Personal experiences that have shaped my passions and desire to engage with others, and work with communities:

Being a woman first and foremost and then being a Black woman of color has already put me in a position where I am a minority and there are a lot of positive changes that are happening for the great need of social justice in both aspects of who I am and I only feel the need and understanding to fight and stand up for them.

