A Festive window into HOPE across Gloucester

Imagine 45 Gloucester strangers coming together at Christmas and getting on with each other. Imagine still that 39 of them offered to help and get involved in their neighbourhood despite not knowing many people.

“That’s Great “ I hear you say but what about the other 6. Well the other 6 were the neighbours’ dogs and as you know, dogs are not great with Sellotape and pouring mulled wine!

It has been great to see people connect with each other over the recent years through various Christmas ideas and I have found the living Advent calendar is great at drawing people together and starting conversations.

This brings me to the 39 strangers (plus Dogs) I mentioned at the beginning and how over this festive season we have been rewarded with people showing that neighbourliness is not declining but very much alive and kicking in Gloucester.

Picture the story , a crowd start turning up early outside my house on a cold dark Saturday night, people start bringing mince pies & homemade gingerbread men, people lent a table, a generous neighbour provided the hot chocolate, someone else made a Brandy Punch ;-) , others brought their dogs and others still brought their friendly elderly parents.

This was the scene we had this festive time on our street and it was great to recognise that communities/ neighbourhoods will gather if shared interests/passions are found. (Plus the bonus of sharing lovely food/drink together)

So, using sellotape, tissue paper, baubles, spray-paint, and numerous creative items found in cupboards, 24 houses where decorated, an advent window for each day till 24th Dec.

“So what”, I hear you say, and that is the question we are left with? So what?

Well “What” is that Neighbours are chatting more with each other, a quiz drew people to guess each other’s names, people generously gave their time and food to share, a renewed sense of belonging across the street happened and a thirst for making sure neighbourliness is not just for Christmas but for life. Bring on the BBQ, bring on the smiles to each other, bring on the potential street play but most of all bring on the hope that our neighbourhood is a great place to live and were we can look out each other. That’s the “So What”!!!

It takes just one person to make the move and others will join in, so be brave at this season of goodwill and take that goodwill over into 2020…. You will be rewarded by the response. Trust me.

Happy Christmas and a Neighbourly New Year.



Richard Holmes
Gloucester’s Community Building Collective

Facilitator, trainer, strategist and consultant…lovely chap! @mrrichholmes