Learn IoT and Electronics Using Blitzen (Custom GPT)

A story of the gift — Introducing the new GPT I use for learning IoT

Revaz Gh. (MaestroError)
Community-Driven AI
4 min readFeb 12, 2024


Created by featured image maker

I have always been interested in IoT ever since I learned about it, but every time I found a bunch of reasons to postpone my first steps in this field. You know how it goes. 😅

As last year was winding down, we had our usual Secret Santa game at the company. Guess what? Gaga, the CEO of Redberry, ended up being my Secret Santa. He presented me with an IoT kit! 🥳 (Despite not knowing about my interest in IoT, he couldn’t have chosen better) I was super happy about it ❤️ and decided to dive in and start learning.

The first problem with courses

I started browsing all kinds of courses with IoT and of course, many of them had requirements, some tools, Arduino, etc. The problem was that I didn’t know exactly what I had in the kit and with such amount of little things, it would be hard to find out 😄

Then I got an idea, I wasn’t sure, but I tried: I took a photo of only part I knew and sent it to the regular GPT 4 asking to explain what is it?!

Surprisingly, it worked! I did the same for every single object in the kit and found out all the resources I had.

Sure, it wasn’t enough for some courses, but I thought I could start and buy the missing items along the way. Then I realized that it would be a good reason to postpone my learning once again 😄

But this time, I was determined to break the cycle of delay. And I started! By learning (Reminding) the C programming language.

GPT Creation

After some days, I came across the post about educational prompts while scrolling LinkedIn and the idea sparkled! 💡

I started creating the custom GPT tailored to my needs, which will guide me not only in IoT but in everything around it (because I haven’t any background in electronics) from basics to advanced level.

Your guide to IoT, electronics, and robotics education.


Since the work area of the new GPT wasn’t specific, it was too hard to give it a name. After some thinking, I decided to name it Blitzen — The name of Santa’s fastest reindeer 🎅

Because it would be the fastest way to learn, also, Blitzen is often associated with the ⚡ symbol, which, on the other hand, is associated with electricity. And of course, symbolic meaning that everything has started with the Christmas gift 🎄

Learning with Blitzen

The first prompt I sent to it:

I want to learn electronics and circuits to make foundation knowledge for arduino, robotics and drones. What can you advice, where should I start? What to learn? What are main topics? I am really beginner in this field, so teach me.

And it turned back with a whole learning path:

From Electricity Fundamentals to Robotics 🤖

After, I saved my learning path and started asking separately about each topic and it always gives a detailed explanation + Real-world examples.

Of course, I keep asking questions before I fully understand the topic. Before now, we already created 3 little projects for educational purposes:

  • Simple circuit with the resistors (Testing different resistances) and LED.
  • We adapted the battery clip to supply the breadboard with 9V as well as Arduino:
Before and After
  • Using a photoresistor, we created a circuit which lights up the LED automatically when it gets darker.
Created by featured image maker GPT

Just 2 days ago I published Blitzen so that everyone can use it.

Please, share your experiences using GPT for education via comments 👍

— End of the story ❤️

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Revaz Gh. (MaestroError)
Community-Driven AI

I'm a full-stack developer with 7+ years of experience. I love building stuff, sharing my experience and riding a horse 🐴😄