Rise of Communities: 2019 to 2020| Meetup Round-up Blog

Himanshu Khubwani
Community Folks
Published in
6 min readJan 23, 2020

2019 has been a phenomenal year for many community professionals. A recent study on online communities shows that ‘Almost three-quarters i.e. 66.3 % of organizations have a branded community with a dedicated community manager. And the organizations who don’t, the CEO/ Owner/ Founder is most likely to manage the community.’

If we see the bigger picture here, we get to realize that communities are playing at the front and helping organizations with shifting and transforming culture, decision-making processes, work habits, measurement approaches, and professional development pathways. But without a good strategy, this can increase friction and create confusion, inconsistencies, and changes to the balance of power that is unexpected — all of which hamper performance and potential.

None of us can deny this fact that Communities are on the rise and 2020 is going to be a pivotal year for every community linked person. But many of us are still looking for ways or you can say some future insights around community building in 2020 and some maybe still thinking how communities & community professionals performed in the year 2019.

Last Sunday, we got to meet a bunch of really amazing Community Managers & Enthusiasts at our Community Meetup in Bangalore. The meetup was about the Rise of communities: 2019-2020. The agenda was cool enough and keeping that in mind, we asked our attendees to write down their experiences around communities from 2019 & what they are planning for their communities in 2020.

Rise of communities: 2019 to 2020

You won’t believe but we feel super blessed when every one of them came up with something from their experiences and there was zeal in their eyes as they are getting ready to bring some real impact in 2020 using the community as a gamechanger thing.

Sunny Awasthi, Founder & Chief Storyteller at Motojojo wrote:
In 2019, he automated things like house gathering space using community building where anyone can connect with everyone including artists. Basically, he kept ‘networking as the core idea’ so that things can work for itself and scale for growth at the same time.

In 2020, he is planning to reach 42 cities in India in the second half of the year. He with his team will go more micro in every city with various products in curated event space but only houses. They will be working and investing 70% in tech which will manage the online communities where people meet after the live events.

Jatin Singh, Talent, Product & Community Person at Springworks wrote:
In 2019, he handpicked few members from his domain to start a community and organized some intimate gatherings called ‘roundtable’ to get real insights & valuable ideas from like-minded people.

In 2020, he is going to explore more online platforms to start an online community for the same.

Kiran Reddy, Managing Director at Helm of Eight wrote:
In 2019, his organization i.e. Helm of Eight and Headstart Network organized a student entrepreneurship campaign for RedBull Basement University 2019. They did 55 events across 25 cities in two months and over 5,000 students got engaged with this campaign.

In 2020, he is looking for safe spaces for entrepreneurs, activists, artists, and intellectuals. With this, he will undergo ecosystem coordinator training and facilitator training and going to help startups with strategy, fundraising and mentoring.

Amit Jain, Co-Founder at Mitti Ke Rang wrote:
In 2019, he sold around 52000 candles and he is thankful for social media to help him reach this number of audiences.
In 2020, he is planning to increase this number for sure. Well, he believes ‘Make connections when you don’t need the most.’

Sujith Ayyappan, Digital Marketing Specialist at Nymbl Digital wrote:
In 2019, he used to put out random stuff on social media for engagement.
In 2020, he is going to focus on putting out personalized content for better engagement.

Vishwa Mehta, Community Marketing Enthusiast wrote:
In 2019, he just got into community marketing and haven't really marked it.
In 2020, he is looking forward to breaking the marketing stereotype and work towards a better community marketing.

Shraddha Narang, Community Manager at Centre of Gravity Consulting wrote:
In 2019, she was new in this field and figuring the community world. She was learning to grasp everything she gathered.
In 2020, she will do positive stalking and try to indulge more with people.

Cherish Santoshi, Program Manager at HackerEarth wrote:
In 2019, he identified pain points among different segments and he worked on user research as well.
In 2020, he will release more content and try to increase touchpoints with the help of his community.

Priya Selvaraju, Marketing Manager at Tactopus wrote:
In 2019, she joined this start-up and handled a community of organizations and a community of principals of blind schools as well.
In 2020, she will be looking for a new job in this field and will explore more about communities.

Chitra HL, Senior Community Analyst at Sprinklr wrote:
In 2019, she did things like community moderation, gamification, and oracle online events.
In 2020, she will be exploring about ROI of communities and what different platforms are available in the market to grow online communities.

Shwetabh S Verma, Design Strategy & Innovation Consultant wrote:
In 2019, he focused on group sessions, the right team and success stories.
In 2020, he will do open events and planning to establish Community USP.

Shruti Dubey, Community Manager at The Hive Collaborative Spaces wrote:
In 2019, she made more connections and interacted well to get to know the real nerve of the community.

In 2020, she is planning to launch more business models and collaborations around communities.

Ravi Bhakar, Marketing Consultant at Zensciences wrote:
In 2019, he got engaged with the least engaging audience by understanding their need and provide instant gratification.
In 2020, he will create ROI for a specific organization based on real scenarios. He is going to create topics for continuous and periodic discussion for easy contribution.

So these were some insights that I hope will definitely add values to your community goals. Some of them may feel useful to you if you work around communities or planning something to take things one step forward with the help of communities in 2020.
Or, you can also connect with these amazing people to know the process in detail.

Feel free to comment/share your experience around communities from 2019 & 2020.



Himanshu Khubwani
Community Folks

Sales Operations Manager | Community Builder | Content Creator | Ex-LikeMinds | Ex-Community Folks