CATLAN Open Invitation: High Schools, Colleges and Universities

CATALN invites collaborations with existing communities of thinkers and leaners from within High Schools, Colleges and Universities, of both undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

Learner experiences are created in partnership with external lead-educators to place CATALN’s physical and intellectual resources at the disposal of your learners and learning objectives. Our focus is on immersive, place- and field-based, ideally outdoor experiences.

At the outset we define a division of shared responsibility.

CATALN’s contribution can range from minimal input, in supporting with practical, residential arrangements, and some limited guidance on learning opportunities that support the delivery of a very specifically defined curriculum. Conversely, we create full academic programs, ready for approval by external institutions, following their own criteria, benchmarks and standards.

Partners provide members of their own staff to oversee and support with deliver of learning experiences.

Disciplinary opportunities include but are not limited to:

  • Business: rural enterprise, agribusiness and viniculture; sustainable business and social enterprise; business development and planning (skills).
  • Citizenship: reflections on community and belonging in the Pay Catalan in historical perspective and contemporary reality. Critical and social thinking (skills). Also see Sustainable Development.
  • Economics and Economic Geography: economic history; (sustainable), rural and urban development.
  • French Language: immersive language learning for all levels and intensities; integrated with other subject and disciplinary learning, or as a stand alone opportunity.
  • History: focused on the Pay Catalan and Southern France, addressing themes of nation building, social change and continuity, histories of religion, historiography etc.
  • Human Geography: (sustainable), rural and urban development, including tourism, agribusiness and viniculture; place making, including through “terroir” in physical reality and culture; landscape ecology; geographical methodology (theory & skills).
  • Physical Geography (physiography): geomorphology; hydrology; biogeograpy; climatology; the science of “terroir”; geographical methodology (theory & skills).
  • Science, general: alternative and renewable energy; science of agriculture and viniculture.
  • Sustainable Development: environmental, social, economic, physical and political development. Also see: Business, Human Geography, Physical Geography.

Programs are provided through the development of specific learning experiences, many of which are field based. These can be designed around the following local and regional resources and assets:

Also see the wider opportunities that can be embedded in any of CATALN’s programs, all of which can form the basis of concentrated learning opportunities, activities for community development, or just plain rest and relaxation:



Alastair Michael Smith (PhD)
Community for Alternative Thought, Learning & Action in Nature (CATLAN)

Vocational academic educator; focused on critical, intellectual leadership for socially just and environmentally “more sustainable” changes and transformations