
An open letter to our clients

HR Innovate
HR Innovate
2 min readDec 30, 2018


Thank you. Not a gratuitous word but a small word that can mean a lot and we rarely say enough. All year everything has seemed urgent in business. All year, every year, everything is urgent and everything is relative. What is urgent to one business, is not to another. We are all driven and made to feel this urgency, all hopefully thanks to the same common motivator: the client.

A lot like children or parents, they frustrate and annoy us, make us smile with gratitude when they are satisfied and ultimately the raison d’etre for our survival in the game. In the Recruiter life we have clients that are candidates and others that are the HR or hiring managers of companies who we source employees for. Both groups are our customer though as we broker relationships between them.

We have clients who became friends and some who we never even meet in the flesh, some around the corner and others thousands of miles away in other countries. We have candidates who become clients and vice versa.

As 2018 draws to a close we at HR Innovate feel blessed that our clients and candidates have invested another year with us, have given us another chapter in a long relationship as we service them with all our best efforts. And to our new clients and candidates, the start ups or giants of industry or tech, we look forward to nurturing this new chapter with you. This is an Open Letter but more importantly, a Thank you to you all.

For your trust in us to find you the right staff or to find you the right next career step. For your patience waiting for feedback or interview times and your respect for the process. We have worked together with our clients all year and its been 12 months of negotiating and trying to understand each other’s parameters.

Whether you are a candidate or hiring manager, HR or CEO. Thank you for your trust and faith in us, thank you for allowing us into your work culture and relationship building in getting you this far. Let’s see 2019 through together, hoping always that we can share a cup of coffee and respectfully discuss, collaborate and on occasion disagree but nonetheless always grow together.



HR Innovate
HR Innovate

HR Innovate is a Recruitment Agency based in Nicosia, Cyprus dedicated to empowering clients and people.