Interim Careers

Kiki Kallis
HR Innovate
2 min readApr 19, 2019


Interim roles are nothing new in the international labour market but they are still very much untapped in small countries like my homeland Cyprus.

Interim role opportunities come about usually when employers have to cover for an employee’s absence (long-term sickness, sabbatical or maternity leave). They are expected to be short-term solutions for employers who are eager to continue running their business smoothly while all the while they adhere to their legal obligations.

Employment candidates may not be excited at the thought of lack of job security in the long run but in today’s fast changing business terrain shorter role stints are no longer frowned upon. They are even sometimes seen as a plus by some employers. “Why?” do I hear you ask?

Well, I’m glad you asked! The reason is simply because having varied experiences of roles, companies and industries can be advantageous in terms of widening one’s horizons and their thinking spectrum, making them more exposed to diversity and able to apply an idea from one type of business to a completely different one; thus coming up with more innovative solutions.

Another positive for candidates to consider is that often enough these interim roles end up becoming permanent. Sometimes, if the successful candidate is seen to do an exceptional job the company may be in a position to offer them permanent employment. The reasons for that can be due to the original position holder deciding not to return (after their sabbatical, sickness absence or maternity leave) or due to a new and suitable role opening up and the interim person given priority due to their proven worth.

Of course, there is always an inherent risk with interim roles. The risk that something else might not come up soon after the role’s assignment end date but in today’s volatile business environment with it’s constant changes who can guarantee anyone that their permanent job will exist tomorrow?



Kiki Kallis
HR Innovate

HR professional. Make-up addict and blogger. Travel lover.