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Into the Zone — Nail that Interview

HR Innovate
HR Innovate


Katerina Andreou

First impressions are made in literally seconds or a few minutes. How you make someone feel will remain with them long after you leave the room, details of what you said will be important but what will stay with them is how you made them feel in your presence. Establishing a dynamic and chemistry that makes the interviewer feel connected to you is essential and a skill worth learning.

Interviews are a delicate performance art, a short window of time when you have the full attention (hopefully) of someone who can alter your life forever. This small snapshot in life is your moment to perform, to get yourself out there and show your edge, your individuality.

Yes, there are the standard formulaic items to check off your list: the suit, open body language etc. but essentially Interviews are a performance. Thinking of them this way will get you into the mindset you need to psychologically prepare and get into The Zone. Candidates often do not consider that being an Interviewer can also be nerve wracking and the interviewer is also conserving a certain impression and making effort to appear professional, therefore getting your interviewer to relax and be comfortable in your presence is a real skill. Asking open questions, paying real attention and ensuring they know you are hearing and listening will encourage your interviewer to talk and also open up.

Like any good performance preparation and rehearsal is everything as is knowing your lines and knowing your audience.

Find out who is going to be interviewing you and research them, if you are using a Recruiter ask the Recruiter what they are like. Make sure you do the same for the company, by profiling the entity and its people in this way you can tailor your performance accordingly. A good Recruiter should already be trying to give you a feel for the company and interviewer anyway, press them for more information if they have not.

For example, a high-end boutique Corporate firm will be a totally different animal to a localised family business where knowing if the interviewers are father and daughter would be mighty helpful! Being able to psychologically reference the situation you are about to walk into can mean all the difference between getting and not getting the job.

When you look the business, you feel the business. With the exterior package details taken care of, you feel confident that you look the part. The next part of getting into the zone, an almost meditative state where you ‘feel’ and are mindful of who you are about the speak with, impress and hopefully make a lasting impression on is the most important. Be prepared to Wow, feel pumped and ready to get that job.

Understand that the interview process is two-way and how the interviewing party makes you feel by the end of it is just as important. Excitement is key, you want to leave an interview feeling excited and that you want to work with that person, for that company. Uninspiring interviews are like a bad 1st date, the preference is going home to a tub of ice cream on a Saturday night.

Above all remember no performance is a waste of time, the outcome is not the most important thing. Each interview, each performance is another experience where you put yourself out there. With each interview you will become more adept at getting into The Zone and approaching the challenge with the verve and grit needed to get that job. Self-branding and being skilled at really reaching people in any dynamic is an essential differentiating factor of success.

For those who performing does not come naturally to, don’t panic, a good Coach can be a defining change maker. Guiding you through and helping you understand The Zone and how to learn and adopt these skills to perform, a Coach can be just the ticket. Inbox or leave me a comment if you have any questions about Coaching or any of these issues, good luck and get out there.

About the author: Katerina Andreou is the founder of HR Innovate an HR and Recruiting firm based in Nicosia, Cyprus.



HR Innovate
HR Innovate

HR Innovate is a Recruitment Agency based in Nicosia, Cyprus dedicated to empowering clients and people.