Meet Phivos.

HR Innovate
HR Innovate


Phivos Hadjinicolaou, our newest HR & Recruitment Consultant has settled into the team nicely and ready to start a new year at HR Innovate. We took a moment to sit down with him to get to know him a little better.

Why did you choose to join HR Innovate?

After graduating from Goldsmith’s University, I struggled on identifying a desirable career path. I took any opportunity that I could, to learn more about industries and their respective roles. One thing I knew for certain is that I wanted to help people, not sure how, but I knew I wanted to help.

Presented with an opportunity to experience the world of HR in a team of outliers who not only support their clients and staff, but the community as well; was an opportunity I wanted to grab as soon as possible. The work we do at HR Innovate resonates with me as a person, from helping professionals find the next step in their career to raising money, donating, and collaborating with organizations such as Unique Smiles and Karaiskakio Foundation.

Just for fun… if you were an animal what would you be and why?

As a fan of fantasy games and movies, I would want to be something called a “blink dog” which is a mystical dog which teleports. Yes, you may call me a nerd. It’s a compliment!

Where do you see yourself in 5–10–15 years?

I see myself in the interactive entertainment industry, helping to improve the quality of life of the professional players. There is also a part of me that hopes to contribute to policy and decision making for companies and boards in the tech industry; but that won’t be until at least the next 15 years. Onwards and upwards!

What contributions do you hope to add to the HR Innovate team?

Having experience in various sectors, I hope to bring further understanding to distinct business cultures. Through my passion for helping people, I aim to maintain and further improve the many ways HR Innovate works with clients and contributes to the community.

I also am excited for whatever change may come in the time ahead of us, and hope to contribute to the coming developments; because being part of constructive change means contributing to growth.

We are very excited to have you on board. Welcome to the team!!

If you would like to reach out to Phivos, you can email him at



HR Innovate
HR Innovate

HR Innovate is a Recruitment Agency based in Nicosia, Cyprus dedicated to empowering clients and people.