relaxing and working

Mindfully going back to work

Nikki Toumazides Grivas
HR Innovate
Published in
3 min readAug 30, 2019


Returning to work after a holiday can be difficult. Our minds and hearts wish we could stay on holiday forever and this adds to the challenge and difficulty of focusing on work and getting back into “work-mode”.

It is important to love or at least like what you do so if you’re in a job that you can’t like or love, be honest with yourself — Is it time to move on — or can I find a way to enjoy what I am doing?

Be Grateful.

Try practicing gratitude. Find one thing about your job that you like and focus on that for a while, smiling as you think of this. Notice how as you smile, your shoulders and tummy relax, your eyebrows and eyes soften as you smile and feel gratitude. Gratitude for your work. Think about your holiday and how it is because of your job and pay that you were able to enjoy the break. Realise that it is because of your job that you can pay the bills and have a roof over your head. Remember to Smile as you think of these things. You are changing your mindset. You are associating work with positive and not negative feelings.

Research has linked gratitude with a wide range of benefits including strengthening your immune system, improving sleep, feeling optimistic and allowing you to experience more joy and pleasure — so practicing gratitude for your job is a win-win situation! It will help you be happier at work and at home.

Break the negative thinking pattern.

Complaining about our job becomes a habit and a way of life. We feed the negative thinking pattern and start complaining a few days before going back to work, or some may find themselves complaining about having to return to work while still on holiday! Without realising it you are not allowing yourself to fully enjoy your break as you think negative thoughts about returning to work. Live the moment of being on a break. Enjoy the moments of being on holiday without thinking about returning to work. A negative mindset will only set you up for a negative return to work. You have already pre-conditioned yourself to resent going back. If you speak to a colleague and he/she complains about going back to work, try answering “Yay, but look on the bright side! You get to see me every day!!!!” Notice how their energy quickly changes to a positive note as you share a laugh instead of a moan.

Getting to work early

I’ve heard this same complaint way too many times… “The traffic in the morning puts me in a bad mood all day!!” Um, Ok, so leave the house 15 minutes earlier! That extra 10-minute snooze won’t make a difference, honestly, it won’t! Listen to music on your way to work, singing along loudly (don’t worry if you don’t have a great voice, this is the one time where no one can hear you — unless you have the windows down!!) Music and singing have positive effects on our mood so try to listen to music and avoid listening to the news early in the morning. You will have time for that later on in the day. Start your day on a positive note.

Try to make this a part of your daily routine. It’s only 3 things to remember and it will improve the quality of your mental and physical health.

Remember to smile! It’s the best medicine out there :D


Mindfulness Coach

