Christos Charalambous, HR Administrator — HR Innovate

Welcome Christos!

HR Innovate
HR Innovate


Christos Charalambous recently joined the HR Innovate Team working as a Human Resource Administrator. Christos holds a BS in Business and Public Administration and a MS in Human Resources Management from the University of Cyprus. We took a moment to sit down with Christos to get to know him better.

Hi Christos. Thank you for your time. So tell us, why did you choose to join HR Innovate?

It’s simple; I read the company’s core values. After finding out more information about HR Innovate from social media and getting to work with the team for a few days was enough for me to clearly see how my goals align with those of the company. There’s nothing I love more than when I am working with other engaged individuals towards a common goal, and that’s what excites me the most about working here. HR Innovate has a wonderful reputation as a great place to work and it lives up to its name. HR Innovate places high value on the employees and encourage them to learn, grow, and innovate inside the company. I am very happy I can call myself a new member of HR Innovate.

Just for fun… if you were an animal what would you be and why?

A caterpillar is an interesting choice, always progressing through stages of development, waiting for the right day to fly. Those familiar with the Pokémon franchise know Caterpie. Caterpie is a Pokémon that resembles a green caterpillar with a yellow underside and teardrop-shaped tail with a dream of finally evolving into Butterfree, a vaguely anthropomorphic butterfly which will defend Caterpie from bird Pokémon. I guess I’m more of a Caterpie as we speak. Quoting Brock from the Pokémon anime, “a Caterpie may change into a Butterfree, but the heart that beats inside remains the same”.

Where do you see yourself in 5–10–15 years?

Tough question if I may say. Honestly, I am driven to be the best at what I do and in 10 years from now I see myself as an individual who works somewhere where I’ll still have opportunities to further develop my skills, take on interesting projects, and work with people I can really learn from.

What contributions do you hope to add to the HR Innovate team?

I really believe in the value of innovation and teamwork and I know the skills I bring as a team member will not only bring me work satisfaction, but will make me a valuable teammate as well. I can hopefully bring to HR Innovate not only my ideas, but my general passion for innovation too. If nothing changes, we stay the same. We don’t grow. We don’t evolve. We don’t get better. It is fair to say that nothing changes if nothing changes. We need positive change.

We are very excited to have you on board. Welcome to the team!!

Make sure to connect with Christos on LinkedIn!



HR Innovate
HR Innovate

HR Innovate is a Recruitment Agency based in Nicosia, Cyprus dedicated to empowering clients and people.