Happy minions at work

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Antrea Fotiou
HR Innovate
Published in
3 min readSep 6, 2019


Who doesn’t have the memory as a child being asked, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” The answer was always along the lines of “I want to be a princess, a footballer, an astronaut”. But then life stormed in, carrying the dreams away.

There’s more to life than work, right?

Have you ever considered how many hours one will spend throughout one’s life, actually working? One may say the heck with it! At least my job pays well. But does it really? Employee burnout is a rising phenomenon, and according to an article by Harvard Business Review, 1 out of 5 employees, report high burnout at one point in their work life, which in effect not only harms employees but is a huge financial burden on employers as well. So, what matters most to you? Have you ever thought that one may directly be correlated to the other?

“Employee well-being”. “Career Success”. How can we measure those factors? According to lifehack.org, the top 5 factors for job satisfaction (well-being) are:

Top 5 factors for job satisfaction (well-being)

  1. Opportunities to use skills and abilities
  2. Job security
  3. Compensation
  4. Employee / senior management communication
  5. Relationship with immediate supervisor.

Top 4 factors for career success

On the other hand, the top 4 factors for career success are:

1. Work-life balance

2. Money

3. Autonomy

4. Recognition

A ton of factors to take into serious consideration when planning for your future and no doubt, causing a ton of stress.

As a duckling, a long time ago, trying to figure out what I wanted to do to earn my living for the rest of my life, my motto had always been, “Don’t get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life”. And personally, being happy in my work environment and with what I do at/for work is extremely important. So, to all youngsters, newly graduates, etc., this article is for you!

We, at HR Innovate, are strong believers in work-life balance and in the overall well-being of not only us but of our candidates as well. We have, therefore, gathered the top 5 jobs in Cyprus currently, based on our HR & Recruitment experiences thus far, with the highest levels of employee well-being and career prospects.

Top 5 jobs in Cyprus

Software Developers/Engineers

The crème de la crème of the pool, everyone wants one. If you are stuck with ideas of what to study, study software development or engineering. We have candidates who work in their flip flops at home or at the beach. Love their jobs and work on their won terms for great wages and packages.

Human Resources Management

HR is the heart of a company! An important asset to an organization. If you’re a people person, with high EQ, eager to dive into the business world, this is the sector for you. And think of this: tech-savvy HR Professional. Agile HR! Ever heard of it? AI in HR — HR is full of high-end tech these days.


Does this come as a surprise to you? Accountants are everywhere, what company does not have an accountant? If not the HR person, then who does the Payroll?! Growing demands for accountants, competitive packages, growing your knowledge and understanding of Finances, Tax, and Business Law, these are some of the reasons why this profession is one to think of when considering your options.

Project Manager/ Scrum Agile/Product Owner

Who doesn’t want to be one of these guys? It’s a sexy sector, wanted all over the world. You can work anywhere, for any sector, high earnings in fun workplaces of high innovation.

Digital Marketers/ Designers/ PHP UI/UX

Digital Marketing is like.. If you’re not digital, you’re not anywhere. Simple. Everyone wants one, everyone needs one! A creative tech twist on traditional marketing, the digital arena gives you access to creativity, tech and great work environments!

If you would like to talk to Antrea about jobs in Cyprus you can email her at antrea@hrinnovate.org or call +357 22 000174.

*Disclaimer — These are all based on our professional experiences as HR & Recruitment experts & consultants

