A starter guide to Workingman’s Dead Album Cover Photo — Grateful Dead, 1970

Workingman’s Smart Office

Kevin R. Brown
HR Innovate


I like to tread the line between vintage and super high tech. Give me a 1970 Volkswagen Karmann Ghia convertible that can stream Spotify and I am lost in the sunset. This article is about the latter.

Let’s start with the basics, the Internet of Things. If you have a thing… let’s say a vacuum, you can connect it to the internet. Recently, my brother in law added a lamp to a smart plug. My sister was like, um why would you do that? I can just reach over and switch it on? Yeah… you can.. but when you add more than one… a lot more than one… you can begin to create an experience.

There are a lot of reasons you might want to do this.. and as many reasons you might not — including cyber security threats — which I won’t get into here. We are all adults with the internet [i.e. screwed]. I’ll let you make that decision.

So let’s assume you are still reading because you are thinking of diving down the rabbit hole.

In the beginning there was the Word…

It’s 2020 baby. Nope. No flying car, but we do have voice command. When I was a kid, I used to design and install elaborate string systems that would allow me to control my bedroom light from my bed. Now, we have products from Google and Amazon that allow you to speak to your home. Do they work in Cyprus? Yes. Can you buy them in Cyprus? Not really. Can you ship them to Cyprus? Kind of.

Anyway. Get your hands on one and then link it to your music streaming service of choice like Spotify or Amazon music. Now you can sit back and relax while you listen to the sweet sweet sounds of your staff arguing with each other over what song to play next.


An easy, quick start to a smart office (or home) are lights. I bought smart bulbs first. I love them and I don’t. Smart bulbs are easy to install… like screwing in a light bulb… you download an app and bam! you are online.

I would recommend, however, thinking hard about going for the wall switch instead. It’s a little more involved, but I have observed that people are not accustomed to smart bulbs yet and they walk around smacking wall switches — a lot. One too many whacks, and your bulbs are offline and then you have to go back through the process of setting them up. Which isn’t a big deal… until about the fifteenth time you’ve tried explaining all of this to the office cleaning staff.

My Bottom Line on Lights Get the smart wall switches and start with installing them in stairs and closets. Level up with motion detectors. Expect a 5–10 second delay with a cheap motion detector so beware if you decide to go for water closets.


Wifi Cameras are interesting, but in my experience more exciting to think about than to actually have. On the upside, a camera can come with a motion sensor to alert you to your cellphone of abnormal movement after hours… but really that could be done with a much cheaper and less obtrusive motion sensor. Indoor cameras can record criminal activity… but then who are you going to call? Ghostbusters?

In the end, I have found my experience with cameras to be less than thrilling. Everyone calls you a creep and time lags are an issue. The most practical camera option I have come across would be the Echo Show that allows you to “drop in” on another room. But you need more than one — and you may still be called a creep.

My Bottom Line on Cameras Echo Shows are cool. Indoor wifi cameras are not.


Now this is where it gets fun… If fun and frustrating are synonymous? They are to me.

  1. Start with an Alexa or Google Home. It’s cool. With one of these devices you can schedule reminders and announcements for your staff and send messages to the entire team while you are out at a business meeting, conference or event.
  2. Get a robot Vacuum. They have come a long way in the past decade or more. Don’t expect it to replace the cleaning staff… instead expect it to keep the office tidier between cleans. Don’t get the mop/vacuum combo. You aren’t going to use the mop function. Don’t lie to yourself too. Go ahead and get one for every floor. Note: Guitar strings will break a robot vacuum.
  3. Get the motion detectors. You don’t want to be yelling at your home assistant every 5 minutes.
  4. Have Split Units? Get a universal smart remote. This one is brilliant.

Alexa… Play Workingman’s Dead.

Disclaimer: This article was written by Kevin R. Brown in his personal capacity. The opinions expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not reflect the views of HR Innovate.



Kevin R. Brown
HR Innovate

Founder of Minabocks. Avid traveler. Fan of dogs and robots.