You are useless.

Christos Charalambous
HR Innovate
Published in
3 min readSep 18, 2020

You are useless. I know it is not what you want to hear but maybe to this date, you haven’t realized the magnitude of your uselessness. Today I’m going to help you realize just that.

This article is only for those brave enough to discover deeper truth around their self-worth and it can change your life. It is not for those who want to be comforted by some nice affirmations that keep them within the dream.

I invite you to relax, be present, and settle in your own being and just notice what it feels like to just be without rushing for a moment. Let the energy inside your body settle just like sand settles in a glass of water. Simply open up and see what your mind reveals to you.

Now hear me out. Any emotional state you experience depends directly on your expectations. Just notice when some outcome is better that you expected you feel happy, joyful, good enough while when some outcome is worse than you expected you feel unhappy, depress, not good enough. Just notice what I call the world of expectations.

Often we say we have no expectations about life but is this really true? Just notice that deep inside you already have expectations about everything. You expect me to finish this sentence. You expect the sun to come up again tomorrow. You expect a certain level of comfort and achievement in your life. These expectations are just images or movies playing deep inside of your awareness and they have nothing to do with what happens in actuality. These images are running your life. You are hypnotized by this dream that disconnects you from reality and whether you notice or not, you constantly compare yourself to those images. You compare yourself to how you believe others are to assess you are okay and often you compare the worst image you hold about you with the best image you hold about others. It is crazy. It is only your own unseen fears projected onto your mind and when you mistake them for the reality, you are paralyzed to take any action in the simple direction that matters the most to you.

So let’s face it. You are completely useless at comparing. Slow down and notice. You live in a world where superficial appearances and personalities are the masks covering the deeper truth. Often sadness dresses as smiles. Someone struggling with powerlessness will display constant proof of control. Fear puts on a courageous face. Rejection pretends to be unconditional accepting. Worthlessness will dress up as perfectionism. So notice that is impossible to compare to other people. You do not know them, you hardly know yourself. You compare yourself to the world based on assumptions that are not real.

Comparing is just endless avoiding your true self. Do you see how useless at comparing you really are? How do you know they are better than you? How do you know they are more successful than you? For now just accept the fact that you are completely useless at comparing, simply not good enough at it. You fail at comparing yourself to anyone. You are literally comparing your perceived weaknesses to someone else’s assumed strengths.

Once you see how useless at this you really are, you can let go of the need to boost your self-worth by trying to get everyone to like you, trying to impress, trying to save them, trying to be perfect by not making mistakes, trying to fit in, to be accepted. It’s exhausting. In actuality you are ok. You are unique. You are dynamic. You are undefinable. Incomparable. But you are useless at comparing. So incapable.

This is your life. You are the norm. The way you are now is already beyond success. Nobody can make you feel inferior or incapable without your permission. There are no standards other than those you put on yourself. There are no regulations other than those you put on yourself. The apparent others are an excuse that lives in your mind so you can successfully hide your greatness.

If you know someone who appears to be perfect perhaps you should share this article with them. Maybe they also have no idea how useless they really are.

