FULL AUDIO: Listen to the Unconference session on CiDs from ONA16

Joe Amditis
Community Information Cooperative


Below is the audio recording from our Unconference session at ONA16 in Denver, C.O. This session was the first time we presented the idea to use special districts to fund local journalism, something we’re calling a community information district.

Here’s the pitch that received the most votes for an ONA16 Unconference session:

(Scroll down to jump straight to the audio.)

The advertising model of journalism is dying. Even the biggest media players are locked in a race to the bottom. In order for journalism to thrive again, we need a new model to support journalism in the public interest.

That model already exists in the form of special districts. Special districts provide communities with firefighting services; utilities like water, gas, and electricity; and schools. Join us for a conversation about how this model can support the development of news and information services that put community first and offer a sustainable source of revenue for journalism at local, regional, and maybe even national levels.

We invite ONA attendees who work in non-profit news, public media, community engagement, local publishing, and any other field to join.

We believe community information districts are the key to financing the future of quality local journalism.

Listen to audio from our ONA16 Unconference session



Joe Amditis
Community Information Cooperative

Associate director of operations, Center for Cooperative Media; host + producer, WTF Just Happened Today podcast.