Values: The heart of it all

Nikki Levitan
Community of Opportunity
3 min readJun 9, 2016

‘Values are like fingerprints. Nobody’s are the same, but you leave ’em all over everything you do.’ — Elvis Presley

At the heart of everything we are and do is Values: They are what keep things alive. Values define us, guide us, and provide us with meaning. They are part of our identity as individuals, and guide our behaviours and decisions at home, at work, or within our communities.

Values allows for the well-being and cohesion of relationships, communities and organisations.

In this workshop we will look at:

• What are values and why they are important to us as individuals and collectively?

• Why values work and when you may want to use them?

• Practical tools that help to identify your driving values and define them

• Group discussion and activities around values

• How to bring values more into your life, community, organisation: Practical tips

• Action and integration

The workshop will include some centring (mindfulness), learning, group discussion and participation.

This session is for anyone interested in learning more about themselves and learning how to create more cohesion within their communities and organisations.

Values may be an area you may have never given thought to, or an area you feel clear on.

If you have done values work, like us as humans, they are always changing, so this is an opportunity to review them.

This workshop will be lead by Nikki Levitan:

Nikki is an empowerment coach, group facilitator and a community builder.

A former youth worker and social justice activist. Today she is an activist for raising the consciousness of the world.

Nikki is a trained coach and community organiser. She works through one to one coaching and workshops with groups, empowering people through facilitating creative spaces for emtional wellbeing, personal growth and self discovery.

Her passion is helping individuals, organisations, and communities to take self leadership and bring about positive change. She works with people to identify and understand their driving values, and make powerful and conscious choices in their lives and places of work that are in alignment with their purpose.

Nikki works with visionaries who want to grow a project through coaching them to get clear on their vision, understand what drives their vision (values), then helps deal with what gets in their way and keep them focused through planning and programming.

She then takes that vision into action by helping them to build a tribe/ community around their project so it can grow.

Nikki is the founder of Community of Opportunity, a project committed to building a community of changemakers through creating platforms for transformation, wellbeing and self-discovery.

In her previous roles Nikki spent over 12 years working as a youth worker, and community organiser in the charity sector raising and actively addressing social justice issues within communities worldwide. Through her experience sheI realised that community is a powerful and participatory tool to bringing about social change and therefore initiated many grassroots groups and network. She has worked with township, genocide survivors and refugee communities in the UK, South Africa and Israel.

WHENFriday, 17 June 2016 from 10:30 to 12:30 (BST) —

WHERE St Ethelburgas — St Ethelburgas, 78 Bishopsgate, London EC2N 4AG, london, EC2N 4AG -View Map

