Preventing burning out through learning how to self care for Entrepreneurs.

Nikki Levitan
Community of Opportunity
6 min readNov 1, 2016
Self care workshop with Hatch female Entrepreneurs

I lead a group of female entrepreneurs as part of female founder Hatch program. The day workshop included: Identifying your Why: Your businesses driving values. The afternoon workshop was based around self care to prevent burn out: We Explored the importance of self care, what that means to us business owners, how to bring more of it into your every day and how it can result in us being the best versions of ourselves in our work. The participants left with their own tailor-made self care holistic package that they can apply into their working days and beyond.

Values and Visioning workshop for new project

Stockholm, Sweden 2016 with Urban Om: Leading a day workshop with yoga practitioners on visioning and values.

Young Happy Minds:Young Happy Minds Workshops: Teaching young people Wellbeing and Positive Psychology.

Training Young Happy Minds Facilitators in Amsterdam

Take the Journey: A series of personal discovery and development workshops

Due to the success of the two rounds of Take a Journey: A series of personal discovery and development workshops in November and February I am offering the series again in East London at the London Tea Club in November and December.

Take the journey: A series of personal discovery and development workshops

Dates: November 16th, 22nd, 30th and December 7th

Time: 6.45pm with a 7pm start until 9pm

Please see the flyer attached.

We are holistic beings made up of mind, body and soul.

We know about training our bodies to be more healthy and strong, but do we think about doing the same with our minds?

How often do we create a space in our busy London lives to connect to what our souls (our purpose) is and wants?

Through learning and understanding what drives us, becoming more self aware and learning essential life skills, we can begin to take responsibility, manage our emotions and begin to be more empowered in creating a life we want.

This is the first step to being able to go through life with a more positive mindset and feel more aligned with our true selves.

Due to the success of the two rounds of Take a Journey: A series of personal discovery and development workshops in November and February I am offering the series again in March/April 2016

The Journey will consist of the following:

A complimentary one to one coaching conversation

Week 1: Wheel of life: We begin with taking a look at an overview of your life currently, using the wheel of life tool. This helps you identify clearly what areas of your life you would like focus on.

Week 2: Values: These are our foundations for our life. We will look at what are values, why they are important and exploring and defining your values.

Week 3: Energy Blocks and Influences: We will explore what gets in the way looking at our thoughts and belief systems that do not serve us and learning to let them go.

Week 4: Intention setting, Visioning and actioning Putting your purpose and values into your life vision, including visualisation techniques and vision board creating. Creating your daily/ weekly rituals.

We will embark on this journey as a small closed group of 6–10 people where we will learn and share together whilst remaining true to your own process.

The format of each workshop will be:

* You identifying key areas you want to change or improve in your life

* Centering and meditation

* Learning around the topic in focus

* Some individual time to explore the topic and go within

* Some group sharing

* Set actions to apply your learning into your life

* Home study

By the end of the workshops series you will leave with:

*A new set of tools that you will be able to independently integrate into your life

*Gained new perspectives and possibilities

*A way and a plan that allows you to align your inner purpose with your outer goals

* Some more balance, understanding, creativity, and inner peace

What can you expect to gain?

*Set of life skill and empowerment tools

*Time and space to focus on YOU


*4 workshops

* Worksheets and handouts

* Self study

* one to one coaching

Investment and commitment:

The cost for the journey workshops is £160 full waged, £120 low waged

This includes a one to one coaching session, 4 workshops and take home learning materials.

In between the sessions I will be available via email and phone to support your process.

Please book your spot by November 8th, Spaces are limited!

Payment is to be made in advance of the workshops to secure your place.

As this is a closed group, I ask you commit to all 4 sessions.

The Why?

These workshops came from meeting many people in my community and beyond looking to bring about positive change into their life, but are not ready or financially able to commit to one to one coaching. Inclusion for all is one of my driving values, therefore I am passionate about being an affordable and accessible coach to facilitate and enable people’s personal Journey. This is why I have created this series of personal discovery and development workshops. The first in this series is The Journey.

The What?

I am here to be your facilitator, bringing a structured and creative process to hold a space for your development and discovery development.

The space I am creating for you is a confidential and safe space.


“I expected it to be a series of tasks to questions oneself and look for new ways of approaching problems which it was and I enjoyed them.”

“Nikki was Really good! Warm and encouraging. Relaxing — great meditation voice and vibes!”

“The Journey has been really eye-opening: both challenging and reassuring at times. Nikki is a passionate and skilled coach that guided me through my first steps on the journey to being a more fulfilled and grateful person!”

“Thank you so much once again for delivering and facilitating such an inspiring series of workshops.

I finished the course feeling very satisfied and that I had made a lot of progress and achieved a good level of understanding of the subject matter.”

“Thank you Nikki for imparting so much wisdom and for creating such a very warm, inclusive and safe space for us to explore so many important subjects.”

Please feel free to get in touch anytime if you have any questions at

