Who I work with

I love to work with:

Nikki Levitan
Community of Opportunity
2 min readJun 9, 2016


*Young People (Aged 11–25) Schools and youth organisations

I am facilitator with Young Happy Minds. YHM puts well-being at the heart of education giving young people concrete tools and guidelines that help them to flourish and grow. We do this through positive interventions, teaching positive psychology and wellbeing through interactive and experiential lessons and workshops.

Heart led visionaries and pioneers

People who are taking a leap, pushing the boundaries to do something groundbreaking and new in the area of transformation and wellbeing

People in transition and wanting to make a change in their lifestyle and work

*People open and ready to grow themselves

Is this you?

Community building

Are you looking to build and mobilise a community or group around your school, business, project or space but don’t know where to begin or have the community organising skills?


Are you in transition in your work or lifestyle?

Are you a visionary ready to take your vision to the next stage into action?

Are you ready to make a commitment to yourself and create what you really want in your life?


Are you a school looking to bring more emotional wellbeing to your students and teachers?

Are you looking to explore and discover your true purpose and how to bring this into your life now?

Are you in transition be it in work or lifestyle and need some clarity on your next steps?

If any of these are YOU…..Welcome as have arrived in the right place at the right time :)

Clients,Partners and facilitating for:

I am the community builder for West Lexham retreat centre : http://www.westlexham.org/

I am a facilitator for Young Happy Minds. Running workshops with young people on how they increase their own wellbeing and happiness.http://www.younghappyminds.com/

I am a facilitator for The Unreasonables running inspiring programmes in schools around leadership. http://www.theunreasonables.org/

I am a host member and partner of Impact Hub Islington: http://islington.impacthub.net/

