Amumu’s Costume Party Fan Art Contest

Riot Spiffy
The Nexus
Published in
2 min readApr 8, 2016

We invited everyone to create artwork of their favorite champions dressed-up in wacky costumes for Amumu’s surprise costume party (which of course, failed because Draven had to mess things up for the poor mummy).

After seeing all the many amazing submissions, here are the winners!

(Prizes: Top 3 winners will receive 1000 RP and an April Fool’s Day skin from a list of choices. Other works featured here will also receive an April Fool’s Day skin of choice).

First Place: Luigi Jocson’s awesome artwork of our adorable little Yordles dressed up as other champions. We super love the story this fun piece tells, apart from how vibrant and stimulating the whole image is! Congratulations, Luigi!

Second Place: Ardrelee Czar Cartas’s hand-drawn selfie of Draven, Lollipoppy, Fizz, Lulu and Urf (and Amumu in the background)

Third Place: John Marven Ventura

Honorable Mentions: Elisa Job Ramos, Mike Adrian Pring, James Pajunar, Leo Abalus, Lyra Precioso, Sean Dayao, Szharmaine Co, Lorenzo Aguilo




Riot Spiffy
The Nexus

Community Coordinator - Philippines. Opinions are my own.