Sparking social change.

Richard Holmes
community (r)evolution
2 min readNov 5, 2019

I have a confession to make, the title of this blog is tenuous play on it being fireworks night, but it’s an opportunity to share my gratitude with you.

Last week, with my friends and colleagues at the Long Table, we hosted our first Campfire Conversations evening. The purpose of the evening was simple; bring together change makers in an informal environment, creating the conditions for people to talk about the things that matter most. We weren’t sure what the outcomes would be, but just trusted those who joined us would share an interest in being more connected and would find unique and unexpected opportunities to collaborate.

Following the event there have been so many lovely emails from people, sharing how much they enjoyed the evening. It’s always a good sign when people don’t want to finish their conversations and go home!

This was our first attempt at running a social change themed event in a really informal way, but perhaps that was the most powerful aspect of the evening. There was no agenda (with exception of a few questions to steer the conversation), there were few expectations, so none of us knew what was going to happen, but most importantly all this meant that our focus ended up being on each other — purely and simply building relationships.

What struck me most, was how people simply shared their stories with each other; sharing wisdom they had gained through navigating uncertain times in their lives.

As Jon Acuff wrote ‘Everybody has a story. When we don’t take time to know someone’s story, or worse, create our own version of it, we lose the chance to understand what they need, which is the first step to empathy”.

Its taking time to listen to these stories that can help our communities grow and sometimes heal.

I’m sure our first campfire conversation has sparked new friendships and ignited new possibilities for social change. As you stand around the fire this evening watching the fireworks, I hope that some of those chance conversations with those around you will spark something new in you too.

We hope to host more Campfire Conversations soon, so watch this space.



Richard Holmes
community (r)evolution

Facilitator, trainer, strategist and consultant…lovely chap! @mrrichholmes