Streamlining Synergy

How We Add Value Inside Strategic Partnerships

Dakota Malone
Community Solar Authority
3 min readMay 29, 2024


Photo by Anders Jildén on Unsplash

“I’m a one-man show and I sell my reputation to get things done.”

Our latest strategic partner had just finished telling us his business model, how it works, and how he uses his limited resources to execute a LOT of business.

It was impressive, and we were also a perfect fit for what he was doing because his number one concern was providing his clients additional value.

This article discusses how we leverage our work in the community solar space to help our strategic partners add additional value, keep their clients longer, and generate more revenue.

The Synergy Bridge

“I love how you operate your business as a lean consultant,” I started.

We went on to tell him how our partner model is all about leveraging the relationships he already has built- and how we use that as a bridge to truck as much value across it as possible.

Even though he was a one-man show and didn’t want to scale past that, the bridge he built was extremely stable & a valuable entry point into relationships with premier clients.

A big part of our strategic partnership is the fact that we require zero effort, aside from allowing us to access his relationships via introductions from him.

This allows him to focus all of his energy on his main gig, but lets us deliver value to his clients turnkey & get rewarded for it in a big way:

  • he calls his clients up and lets them know we’ve partnered together because we have massive value to provide
  • he introduces us via email and lets us take it from there
  • we respond back & book a call with the client & include him in on it

We’ve talked about the idea of a successful handoff in the past, and it’s even easier when there’s little bandwidth available from our partners because they’re willing to offload the work onto our plate.

This guy is responsible for HUNDREDS of high-profile clients and didn’t have any extra time to micromanage our process. We reassured him that our work was predictable, and pulled back the curtain to our Community Solar Fast-Pass®, our streamlined process refined over six years specifically for clients like his.

This was all he needed to see to understand that he serves as the bridge to introductions, we utilize our process to deliver predictable results to his clients, and everyone wins.

This is triple-win-synergy at work, and the idea is that- as long as the bridge from our strategic partners is strong enough; we can easily get value across & execute efficiently.


Synergy is all about pairing resources to create a better recipe. However, when we look to find strategic partners, it’s all about finding those with bridges strong enough to streamline our execution.

We partner with ESCO’s, energy companies, consultants etc. to utilize their bridges as a way to bring value directly to their clients with our process. It just so happens that it doesn’t cost their clients a dollar, we deliver all the work turnkey, and it’s a simple way to add massive value.

Our strategic partners get to look like heroes for sending value across the synergy bridge, their clients are happy and want to keep the bridge open longer, and everyone makes money in the process.

This is how you deliver in strategic partnerships.

Thinking about leveraging our work in the commercial solar space for your clients? You can visit our website to learn more & apply today.

Thanks for reading! Questions?



Dakota Malone
Community Solar Authority

Sustainability Entrepreneur | Documenting Life Thriving After Five Heart Surgeries