X to Everything: How I Create B2B Content At Scale

Steal This Playbook for Your Content Strategy

Dakota Malone
Community Solar Authority
6 min readAug 12, 2024


Photo by Samsung Memory on Unsplash

My name is Dakota Malone & I’ve been intentional about creating content for 2+ years now on all things commercial solar.

It’s been a wild ride building as a niche creator in the b2b space, but I’ve found that.. it works.

Now, plenty more inputs go into creating a successful strategy besides content creation- like outbound, forming partnerships, consistency, etc. but the content IS the foundation.

Straight to the point- I don’t think you should start with content creation until you’ve already created success in your business. Once you have some case studies, proof of work, or just real value to add to a marketplace- then you can go all in.

In this article, I’m going to share exactly how you can build this foundation for yourself and use it as a meaningful way to grow your business.

From a Tweet to a Waterfall of Content

I’m only going to talk about what works for me & what I’ve done to find success.

When I think about creating content, it used to be endless brainstorms on my whiteboard.

Now- everything goes directly into Notion & I’ve SOP’d my entire business inside it; including content creation.

When I start with content creation, I’m looking to flesh out ideas to go from a single tweet (X) to a multitude of platforms by transforming it into short & long-form content.

Here’s what you need to do to get past step one:

Decide on your content pillars

→ Your content pillars are the legs of your content creation that allow your brand to sit on top of them. For me, I think about pillars in the commercial solar space (community solar, solar leasing, rooftop solar.)

ACTION: Choose 3–4 content pillars that define your business and that you’re comfortable talking about endlessly. These will be brand associations so choose something that makes sense for you.

Figure out the topic for your content

→ Alex Hormozi presents this as Far Past, Recent on Cal, Manufactured Idea, Trends, or Present Moment. It is essentially how you’re going to shape the idea for your content pillar to create variety

ACTION: Take your content pillars & choose a lens from the topics above to look through. Write down (bonus points if you do it in Notion!) each of your pillars alongside a topic & notice how it creates an opportunity for a unique piece of content.

Choose how to retain the viewer

→ There are multiple ways to keep a viewer for staying engaged and watching your content all the way through. This includes lists, steps, & stories.

ACTION: Take your written content brainstorm so far and choose if you’re going to write it as a list (like a checklist,) steps (do these 5 things,) or a story (here’s how I)

Spend 90% of your energy on the hook

→ It has been said that if you have a $1 advertising budget, then .90c should be spent on choosing a good hook. The hook is the first few seconds that decide whether someone will scroll or keep reading.

ACTION: The easy way I think about creating a hook is just by saying the first three seconds of a sentence to open your content. If those first three seconds aren’t interesting enough for me to pay attention to what you’re saying, keep rewriting it until it’s that good. Remember.. 90% of effort goes here.

Turn it into a tweet

→ This is great practice as a writer because you now have some strong ideas that can be turned into long-form content and chopped into smaller bits. I encourage you to condense these potent ideas into a single tweet to help you understand how to shape content with ease. You can also turn these into threads within your tweets, and spell out your greater idea too.

ACTION: Take your hook and turn it into a single tweet. Condense your content ideas that you’ve created and make them short, punchy, and capable of standing on their own. You can then turn that single tweet into a greater thread, and now you’ve already started getting to the next step of turning that into multiple pieces of content.

Content at Scale

Congrats- you’ve successfully started with nothing, created a few pillars, wrote a few hooks; and now you’ve figured out how to create content specific to your audience.

Especially in the b2b world, if you can figure this out, you’re 99% ahead of the average company trying to unlock its next phase of growth. To add rocket fuel to this formula, you need a few things:


→ keep posting continuously


→ figure out how & where to post

leverage via people

→ get your team involved & double down

I have an entire Niche Creator Operating System that I use to think about distributing content at scale to grow my business.

It’s what allows me to post 100x/mo by myself while still running my own business (content creator is not my actual job title haha.)

A brief preview of how I think about turning a single tweet (step 1) into 100x/mo (step two) is below.

These are just a handful of strategies to go from one to many in terms of content, and I’ll give you an example. Let’s say I wrote a tweet on strategic partnerships (one of my content pillars.)

  1. X to Everything (I used case studies to send my strategic partner growth into the stratosphere)
  2. Write 2 Blogs (1. how I use case studies to grow my biz 2. I’ve brought on x partners this month- here’s my recipe for you to copy too)
  3. Film 2 Youtube Videos (same as above, just turn the blogs into videos)
  4. Turn into 2 Podcast Episodes (same as above, just pull the audio from youtube and upload into spotify podcast)
  5. Film an Additional Podcast (I’d choose a lateral topic, like “why I chose strategic partnerships as a growth lever for my biz”)
  6. Create a Canva Slide Deck (I’d turn the above podcast into a slide deck to film & upload separately)
  7. Create a Canva Carousel (I’d create a carousel called “Strategic Partner Playbook”)
  8. Reshare on X/FB (I’d post anything reshareable from above again on both platforms)
  9. Chop up Guest Podcasts (I’d get on podcasts, talk about my pillars, then turn those into short/longform content and generate additional ideas)
  10. Post on Personal LI 2x (Take anything above and post it on LinkedIn)
  11. Post on company LI (Same as above, but on company page)
  12. Film old blog posts (I have a library of old blogs I could easily turn into video)
  13. Create Q&A from old blog posts (A simple way to create additional content by just creating questions from your previous work that a reader might have)

These are all just ideas, not strict guidelines. As you can see, you can easily go from a single tweet, from one topic lens, from a single pillar.. and turn it into a massive amount of content.

The name of the game from here is staying organized, consistently posting, and once you have it figured out- get it in the hands of your team to start creating for themselves too.


The world of b2b marketing has been flipped on it’s head.

The digital era has unlocked an entirely new form of content creation that can easily be leveraged by a single person.

You can destroy all the limiting beliefs of needing a massive amount of time, energy, or dollars to go into your advertising budgets.

Anybody who has enough determination, good work ethic, and grit can see this content creation formula through to the other side.

It’s exactly what I’ve done over the last 2+ years to grow my niche following on LinkedIn, form dozens of strategic partnerships, and unlock millions of dollars in revenue.

Take this strategy and run with it- you never know what’s waiting for you on the other side.

Thanks for reading! Questions? dmalone@communitysolarauthority.com



Dakota Malone
Community Solar Authority

Sustainability Entrepreneur | Documenting Life Thriving After Five Heart Surgeries