Why I Care: Daniella

JJ Ramberg
Community Spotlight
1 min readOct 3, 2022

Daniella Pozo is a freshman at Brown University who spent some time working with the New Atlantis Team. She wrote this short piece on why the New Atlantis mission is so important to her.

hoto used with permission by Paul Nicklen, co-founder of SeaLegacy.org, New Atlantis Founding Advisor, NatGeo Contributor, Instagram

As a Gen Z-er, I’ve grown up in a time of simultaneous extreme climate crises and unsettling climate denial. The wide range of responses I’ve witnessed across generational and sociopolitical lines has highlighted the importance of ocean regeneration and engaged environmental activism. From the students in my school participating in protests, to Xiuhtezcatl Roske-Martinez, to Greta Thunberg, I’ve seen that my generation is welcoming the challenges of today. Ocean regeneration is particularly important because the ocean covers more than seventy percent of the earth’s surface. It is home to a wide range of biodiversity and serves as a source of food, transportation, jobs, recreation, and medicine for billions of people. Conservation efforts focused on the ocean could greatly mitigate the effects of climate change we will have to contend with and raise the quality of life for generations to come. Through consistent efforts from different organizations, governments, and people of all generations the ocean can continue to be a sustainable source of economic and environmental growth.

