Connect with other community managers from around the world

1 min readFeb 9, 2021

The irony of building communities is that sometimes it can be lonely because the magic of bringing people together can be an emotional rollercoaster. Who looks after the community managers? How can we support each other in our development? How can we share best practice?

We’re building a metacommunity of community managers. Together we’ll create a supportive eco-system. We haven’t quite figured it out yet but we know that we want to build a community to help each other.

We’ll arrange our first video call hangout soon. We’ll also be looking to curate an interesting newsletter in the near future too.

Who are we?

We are a group of people who work in the UK government who run communities. This community is open to people from all sectors. We’ve been running this community since July 2020 but now we will be using this medium space to share the best practices from our meetups.

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