What are you doing to promote community care within your community?

1 min readFeb 9, 2021

Meetup held: 1600 to 1730 Wednesday 11 November 2020

In the midst of a global pandemic, wellbeing and self-care have become more important than ever. Depending on the approach, a community can become a pillar of support or an unwanted burden.

We talked to 25 community experts, who gave their best tips on maintaining care as an integral part of communities.

Breakout 1

  1. Take care of yourself — role model it
  2. Ask for help and use your community leaders “scale your teams”
  3. Be open, no one will be judged for taking some time off (Digital presenteeism)
  4. Meet often as safely as possible as regularly as possible
  5. Start your meetings with how people are feeling / frequency affect
  6. Liberating structures: Conversation cafe
  7. Giving people roles

Breakout 2

  1. Weekly virtual lunch check ins
  2. Random Coffee (Slack/Donut)unities approach
  3. Use automations like ‘Standup Alice’ on Slack. This bot sends questions to a group everyday and you can generate a report. You can combine this with personal q’s — what’s the more interesting thing you’ve eaten this week, what have you watched on Netflix etc..
  4. Liberating Structures: Troika Consulting — for giving and getting advice
  5. Structure social activities into community planning
  6. Have social specialists in your community: a few who cultivate a Slack conversation, people who make sure everyone is ok at a meetup, someone to welcome new members to the community etc.

