A striped guest

Ian Field
Commuter Chronicles
3 min readJun 25, 2017

Tilly was trying her best to be brave but Mummi and Daddi weren’t aware of what was wrong. There had been a bit of a tiff outside with dem bloomin’ cats again. But this time there was an extra big winner. She’d never seeeen a cat as big as this one, and stripy too. And in HER garden!

She’d barked and barked at the cuffaw going on outside. Up until IT had shown up she was quite enjoying seeing her rival cat being swiped around. Although she didn’t like the other one much more; he didn’t stick around sunning himself while Mummi and Daddi were away. Of course if she had her way she’d make sure neither won so she could have the garden view aaaaall to herself. Mummi would like that too. She knows how much it annoys Tilly to have to share it with a Cat of all things!

IT turned up so quickly she could only see an orange blur. The cats weren’t doing their normal bolting away. But stood and hissed at it. She thought this was odd. It was like no dog she’d EVER seen before. It dawned on her later that it was a cat! But the meowing was nothing like she’d heard before. Not being outdone by the cats Tilly commenced a fierce bout of barking. Pacing up and down the room. Jumping up and growling. She was boss around here. The cats knew they could only do it because she couldn’t get at them because of Mummi and Daddi.

But when it did a big belch the windows shook, at least she thought it was a belch. She particularly loved mixing them into her lickings with Mummi and Daddi, right up close to their face. It made her feel extra cheeky. But this was different. She was a bit unsure of how to deal with that. Wide eyed and staring, her tail wagging slowed and she licked her lips — still tasting of breakfast. The big cat closed the gap so fast she couldn’t believe it. It’s paws were bigger than her head. She bravely went up to the window to defend her turf. No cat is gonna best me! She thought to herself. So she strutted up, a little less boldly than she normally did with the cats.

The response was so loud she had to run to get away from it. It hurt her little ears. That was NOT a burp. That was much scarier. She’d never bared her teeth belching either! Thankfully it slunk away revealing an empty space where the cats were before. Tilly’s hackles were up and she just couldn’t let it go. She barked and barked until she was tired. When Mummi came home she did her very best to put on a brave face but Mummi just made her feel safe again. She’d cuddle up as close as she could. She’d make sure the big orange and black cat wouldn’t show up again. When Mummi and Daddi stayed downstairs overnight she knew they were doing it to help her out against her new nemesis. Her signing had got through to them! But it didn’t show up that night, or the next. It was still out there…



Ian Field
Commuter Chronicles

Dabbling in creative writing, sharing experiences and also a Software Developer. http://ianfield.com