Crisp refreshment

Ian Field
Commuter Chronicles
2 min readJul 28, 2017

“It wouldn’t’ve’d happened if I’d been more careful!” Exclaimed Marvin to his herd. They collectively took a step back at the outburst. Wide eyed staring back at him one continued to chew. Its tail flicking at the flies on the hot summer’s day.

The pin for his trailer had snapped. Leaving a full load of hay spewing out in its wake. He cursed to himself squinting up at the relentless sun. He’d been so looking forward to his supper and a nice cool cider after his early start. But this far out he’d have another hour on his day to get the trailer back.
With a drawn out sigh he hopped back onto the quad; sullen.

Every bump across the fields only added to his mood. Sarah caught his scowl from the kitchen window. She could see what had happened from the lack of trailer and absence of his usual beaming smile and calling out her name. Wringing her hands she put the cider back in the fridge and turned the heat to the lowest on the pie and chips.
Her tummy rumbled, quite loudly. Causing their black lab Sooty to glance at her in a concerned way. She rustled his hair with a sigh and sat down to read the local newspaper.

Marvin emerged from the shed a little while later with a thump. He hasn’t quite ducked far enough. He let out a yep of pain and dropped the spanner with a clang on the concrete farmyard. He tapped a hand on his forehead just as Sarah burst out of the house in a panic. First aid box in hand from the now established place behind the umbrella stand by the front door. She made him sit down, doing her best to ignore the gushing blood from his head.

She was well practiced in first aid from her time spent nursing in a life that seemed so distant now. It took very little time before she had his head neatly bandaged. Gently she kissed his cheek and squeezed his shoulders.
Marvin reached a big hand behind him and cupped her head. He pulled her hand to his mouth and neatly planted a kiss. “Thanks love. Today hasn’t been kind”.
Her heart ached. He’d left the house in silence after the supermarkets news that they’d cancelled the order. Things had been tight recently, and this went to make things worse.

“Leave the trailer, dear” she offered. “It’ll be there in the morning. I’ve made your favourite, and the cider’s cold!”.
“You’re a star. Thanks love” Marvin said, glancing up at her with his goofy smile. Sooty merrily wagged his tail when his master stepped through the door. The greeting was very vocal without barking. He could sense what was up. He sat down at the table and listened as the bottle fizzed open and the awaited golden stuff glugged into his glass.
In one gulp he was halfway and let out a satisfied gasp. Sarah felt at ease again as she settled back to dishing up his favourite.

Kirsty thought for a moment that this story was being told from a cows perspective 😊



Ian Field
Commuter Chronicles

Dabbling in creative writing, sharing experiences and also a Software Developer.