Fran’s Secret

Kirsty Tither
Commuter Chronicles
2 min readJun 24, 2017

Travelling around had become much more interesting since Ian had discovered that he could cycle on water. He hadn’t intended to do it in the first place, why would he risk that with a brand new bike?!

Fran was pristine; shiny and beautiful in her purple glory, when Ian took her for an outing along the river to Sonning. The ride had been smooth and perfectly enjoyable when a stick became caught in the wheel spokes, causing Ian to jerk the handle bars in an attempt to steady himself. But Fran’s responsive nature sent them both hurtling towards the river’s edge. Without a moment to recover they had crossed the edge of the bank, with only water lying ahead. Bracing himself for the impact Ian winced and prepared for the icy cold collision.

It never came. Instead the wheels glided like ice skates across the surface of the water. Freewheeling for a moment while the reality sunk in, Ian wondered whether he was dreaming. Snapping back into action, just in case this was waking life, he peddled again and was cruising with barely any friction across to the far bank.

A man walking his dog was approaching in the distance, so Ian decided to wave and see what reaction it brought. The man continued to focus ahead, seemingly unaware of the unusual happenings. The dog, however, ran to the water’s edge barking with a furiously wagging tail. This reaction confused the owner, who still appeared oblivious. Scanning the river for clues he looked right through Ian.

He can’t see me’ thought Ian.

While the man wrestled to gain control over his mysteriously excited dog Ian continued up the river, almost starting to enjoy this bizarre experience. As he neared the boat club he pulled up onto the launch way casually, to be met by a crowd of open mouthed by-standers who had witnessed a man on a bike appear from thin air.



Kirsty Tither
Commuter Chronicles

A casual writer and wonderer, who happens to be a User Experience Designer