Red Panda Surprise

Ian Field
Commuter Chronicles
11 min readSep 26, 2016

Kirsty was excited. She hadn’t seen Ian for over a month now but this evening Philip would be home to look after Tilly. They’d arranged to meet together for Tapas at a quaint bar near London bridge with separate booths. She had news for Ian she’d been bursting to tell him for a while. All the parental suggestions were no longer needed!

The pair decided to be economical and order a selection of dishes to share together. Kirsty was politely refusing Ian’s suggestions at Red wine for old times sake. She could see he was a little disappointed. But she had a good reason. She looked down and smiled, discreetly resting her hand on her stomach

Ever observant, Ian noticed. Like a flickering light bulb realisation crept across his face. “No…” He breathed. “Is this real!? No more joking!?”

Kirsty couldn’t compose herself any longer. She was scarlet with the biggest smile Ian had ever seen on her face. You couldn’t fake that.

“Wow! What great news! Wine is banned!” Ian declared gleefully.

She wasn’t sure how he’d be around her now. Over protective or just a bit more careful? Would the leans still occur but more gently, or cease altogether? She’d missed them and was hoping they could continue. She was beginning to feel rather full. But there was still a fair amount of food left. She knew what was coming…

“You’re done? But you’re eating for two now!” There it was. Just like Philip had been doing.

“Yes…” She sighed. Noticing her disdain Ian quickly and efficiently polished off the rest of the food. The day was young and they had a serious mission to undergo. Finding the Red Pandas.

For months now the two had discussed how awesome it would be to be able to go into a red panda enclosure and photograph each other with the cutest fluff balls on the planet. After pulling some strings at the Zoo Kirsty had managed to get them to agree to letting them both in for half an hour. She hadn’t let Ian know this. He was expecting to observe through glass.

She allowed herself a quick chuckle as Ian cracked an awful joke on the way. He had no idea what was coming up!

She’d read on the news that a breeding pair at the zoo had given birth to twins. Ian would be able to feed them as they were now big enough to spend some time away from their mother

Upon surfacing from the underground she looked towards him. “Here we go!”

This was it. The sun was golden in the sky as it dipped over the tops of the buildings. Kirsty could see Ian was still a bit flustered after walking up the steps. But she wouldn’t let up. She pounced and patted his shoulder.

“Excited!?” She asked.

Still slightly out of breath, Ian replied “You bet!”.

It was time to find the zoo! Thankfully there was a tourist map in full view. After a few moments scouring the two were on their way with a slight bounce in their step

The main entrance was actually closed, which Kirsty knew, but didn’t let on. This was time for a bit of revenge about the pants on head suggestion. She’d been told to meet at the side entrance where Luke, the zookeeper, was waiting.

She feigned disappointment for a while. It wasn’t long before she felt too cruel and took him by the arm marching to the side entrance.

“You knew!?” Ian asked. Both happy and disappointed.

“Yessum.” Replied Kirsty.

“I can’t stay mad with the cuteness we’re about to see! You’re let off” He said with a wink.

In they went quickly walking past the other zoo animal offerings. Their enclosures now being cleaned by the small team. The animals seemed used to this and remained still, finally looking forward to some rest from the gawping and excited children.

It wasn’t long before the signs for Red Pandas showed. Just before the final arrow Luke stepped into a side door and beckoned the two to join him

Eagerly the two went in to see a boiler suit each and some well used wellies. The enclosure wasn’t the cleanest, even if the animals themselves were clean. A loud crash and some cackling bought a smile to everyone’s face. The two began to hurriedly put on the boiler suits over their clothes. This was it! Time to head in!

Luke handed the pair a bucket each of fruit. All cut to be bite size for their furry soon-to-be-friends

He quickly warned them not to shake the bucket so as not to scare the timid creatures. With a quick check behind him to see the door was closed he slowly opened the gate and ushered the two forward. A faint rustle could be heard nearby as a flash of red fur appeared and disappeared again in the undergrowth

Kirsty thought she could see a tuft of white fur poking through the leaves and pointed it out. Luke had already begun placing pieces of fruit in some hard to reach places. He gently called “Chikku” and leapt with surprising agility over the small pond.

He landed with a soft thud and a slight crack as he stepped on a branch. The pair heard a sound behind them and turned slowly to see Chikku frozen mid stride towards them

She allowed herself to put down a paw and flick her tail out of the leaves behind her. Inclining her head she continued on the approach. She could smell her favourite food in Kirsty’s bucket…

Chikku edged ever closer to Kirsty. Who was stood frozen in awe at the tentative steps towards her and her bucket. She slowly began to lower her bucket to help bring it in reach of Chikku. Once Chikku got there she spent a good time sniffing. She licked her lips in anticipation.

Then in one swift movement she was on her hind legs and reaching up to the bucket. The height took Kirsty by surprise. She glanced wide eyed at Ian who was grinning at the spectacle, secretly a bit jealous.

To Kirsty’s surprise she wasn’t ready for the sudden full bodyweight as Chikku began to pull herself fully onto the rim of the bucket. Just as her feet left the ground the bucket began to tilt precariously.

Seeing this Kirsty gasped. But it was too late! With a tumble and a rumble the red ball of fluff was on the floor covered in pumpkin chunks. She let out some squeaks in shock. With a deft wiggle she was back on her feet. Without a moment to lose she took a piece of pumpkin in her paw and bit on it. Carefully chewing. It was clear this was what she’d wanted all along.
Luke was giggling to himself as he continued to place a few choice pieces of fruit in difficult to reach places. He knew just what Chikku had intended and had given Kirsty the pumpkin bucket on purpose.

Amongst all this Ian was stood in awe. He was inwardly awwing at the sight. Kirsty has gone an interesting shade of red. A couple of tears had escaped her eyes as she stood in silent laughter. She soon spotted what were emerging from behind Ian. She deliberately avoided his gaze so she could let them surprise him as they do clearly intended.

Kirsty glanced down at Chikku now rolling in the pumpkin pieces cackling. The sight pulled on her heartstrings. But nothing in comparison to what was happening behind Ian.

Luke had explained what had happened to Kirsty while she was planning it. Chikku was an anxious mother. She’d given birth to 2 little red panda cubs. As yet unnamed by the zoo. One was being voted on by a social media campaign next week but the other was still open for debate. Kirsty pleaded with Luke to let it be them when they came to visit. Luke pulled the relevant parties together and persuaded them, providing it wasn’t ridiculous, to let the pair name the other.

But it was the first time anyone not working at the zoo had seen them. Chikku had been very secretive in her feeding and family affairs. But it was clear to those who knew it was worthwhile. The cubs were strong and healthy, much to the relief of the staff, because the endangered species were particularly difficult to encourage to breed in captivity.

Eyes barely open the cubs stumbled and bumbled towards Ian, who was still frozen on the spot trying not to startle Chikku.

One of the cubs was a bit too wobbly and ended up falling slowly into some dry leaves. Ian heard this and turned to see. Chikku was at its side in a flash of orange nuzzling and pawing to help it up. It seemed grateful and equally hungry. Chikku scooped up the little bundle of fluff and clutched it to her chest. The little one soon latched on to start suckling. Chikku seemed to visibly relax in the company of the newcomers. While this was taking place Kirsty had gradually edged closer to Ian and was not by his side. She gently but firmly placed a hand on Ian’s shoulder so as not to startle him. He turned to reveal a broad grin truly fixed on his face.

“It’s so sweet!” she whispered with extra quiet effort. Despite this Chikku flicked her ears on the pair’s direction.

As if spurred on by this she proceeded to bring her tail up for a groom. On piece of pumpkin was stuck to her. She deftly plucked it off with surprising precision and gently popped it into her mouth. Chewing slower than before, savouring it.

The two little ones were now suckling. Paws on one another’s faces. Milk was the best thing ever. Eyes barely open they had their fill. Chikku was starting to show just how tired she was now and let herself close her eyes.

One of the bundles turned towards Kirsty with milk dribbling down its chin. It let out a quiet gurgled squeak, which judging by Chikku not reacting was a happy sound.

Now, evidently revitalised with mother’s milk he bounded towards the pair and kept at Kirsty’s Wellingtons and proceeded to gum at it.

Ian seized the moment with a quick movement he had his phone in his hand and snapped a picture for later. This was their agreement after all. Photos must be taken!

Soon afterwards the little one’s sister bombed away from Chikku but away from the pair. She was her own cub. The pumpkin pieces nearby had her attention much more.

Not to be out done Kirsty’s new boot adornment had begun unsuccessfully to climb onto the toe of the boot. He was even too small to quite manage this. A glance and a thumbs up from Luke let Ian know he could give the cub a little help.

Slowly he crouched down and placed a hand near the little one’s tail. Almost by magic Chikku was by his hand starting to nuzzle for attention. Unalarmed by the stranger’s hand so close to her offspring. A reassuring lick of Ian’s hand and he was gently supporting the little ones venture onto the mighty mountainous boot. This footwear, unlike her vans, didn’t have Kirsty’s patented peep toe.

Once the cub was wobbly on top of his accomplishment Chikku laid down and flopped onto her back like a big softy.

Kirsty couldn’t resist crouching closer…

The fluff ball on her back was far too tempting for Kirsty. Gingerly she began to move into a seated position. Careful not to let the little boot charm fall off after such an obvious achievement! Once she was sat she gently scooted herself over closer to the surrendered Chikku.

She glanced at Luke for reassurance. He gestured to go ahead. With his approval Kirsty’s confidence found her reaching to stroke Chikku. She almost gasped at how soft she was. Mouthing to Ian. Luke stomped across towards them both and gave Chikku a vigorous tummy rub. With a chuckle he said “You guys needn’t be so careful with her. She loves a fuss”

Ian didn’t need anymore convincing and allowed himself to get involved. It wasn’t long before Kirsty and Ian had her chuckling and squirming. Ian could swear she was smiling.

The other cub had been watching from a safe distance. Chewing on a small cube of pumpkin she trundled up to Mumma. Her mum’s comfort with the pair had rubbed off on the girl cub. It wasn’t long before she’d begun a quite painful ascent of Ian’s arm.

The little ones had quite sharp claws. Despite being so light they weren’t used to them and were slightly overzealous with their digging in. A sharp intake of breath and a wide eyed stare at Kirsty and she was successfully “knowledged up” on the situation. A laugh escaped her mouth. Unable to control it any longer. The boot adornment had made it to her knee, close to her elbow. The surprise of spiky whiskers and a wet tongue made her jump.

This was the one she wanted to pick a name for. Inquisitive from the start seemed like a nice personality trait for the soon-to-be-fluffball. Ian hadn’t missed this opportunity and had managed to sneak a photo of the frantic elbow licking. This would certainly be a story to tell their friends about.

They sat like this for a while, fussing and being sturdy climbing frames for the little ones. Luke had finished his chores and came to sit beside them.

“So, which one would you like to name? This little tyke seems to have really taken to you both!” He exclaimed, rubbing him gently under the chin.
“YEAH!” The pair quiet shouted in unison.
“Any clue of a name yet? I’ll give you guys a few minutes without looming over you now. You seem to be trustworthy enough. I love how gentle you’ve been with them” His knees let off a crack as he stood up to go.

Ian scooped her up and popped her onto Kirsty’s head for another photo opportunity. This was evidently her turn to feel the claws…

Trying to keep a straight face Kirsty was soon overcome by the sharpness and took the little one into her cupped hands. Chikku waddled over to see what was happening to her cub. A few sniffs and a lick of Kirsty’s hands and the little one was ready to clamber off to reach her mum. All these events lead to Cho appearing. He seemed to saunter up to the pair. Luke noticed this and called him a fatty. He’d been scoffing all the fruit that had been laid out higher up. He certainly looked more scraggly than Chikku but the way they tumbled around together was like looking at some dogs play fighting showed him to be much more spritely than original impressions.

“Right you two!” Exclaimed Luke as he sidled up. “Do you have a name yet?”.

“I’m not sure that we do! Oh dear!” Said Kirsty.

“Yeah, maybe we can get it from how she behaves?” Suggested Ian, hopefully.

“Sure. Well she wasn’t the bravest, but seemed to take on what her brother did pretty well, right?” Asked Kirsty.

“Yeah! Bit of following the leader there I think! So learning from others? How about Deshi? Sort of Japanese for Student” Ian said, not too convinced in his own suggestion.

“That’s it!” Kirsty burst out, thrilled.

Ian was a bit taken aback with such a strong reaction. But he was glad. It really did sound like a sweet name for such a cute wispy haired ball.

Simultaneously grinning they turned to Luke who pouted and nodded in agreement. “Yep! Good shout! I’m sure the guys will be more than happy with that!”.

The time came to say their farewells to the little ones. Cho got a full belly rub from Ian. A few more posy photos later, several with each of them laying on the floor surrounded by their new furry friends and that it was time to go. Cho seemed to follow closely behind Ian, clearly wanting some more attention, clambered up onto his leg like a toddler and wouldn’t let go.

Heartbreaking though it was, Luke had to pry him off before they could go and change. With a spring in their step they left the Zoo. “What a lovely adventure!” said Kirsty as the two parted ways at Paddington.

“Yep! Thanks so much for organising it all! Those are some strings you pulled!” said Ian, beaming whilst carefully removing a leaf from her hair that had gone unnoticed for the whole tube journey!

As he settled down on the train Ian’s thoughts turned to Deshi’s future. He wondered when he’d get to see her again. Would there be an article written about it like he’d seen about other Red Panda cubs? Time reveals all, he thought. Contented, he put on a calming song and gradually sunk back into reality with a smile firmly on his face.



Ian Field
Commuter Chronicles

Dabbling in creative writing, sharing experiences and also a Software Developer.