Transportation for people that gets just a little better every day

How people experience the Philippine transportation system in 2030

Here are twelve stories of people who experience the transportation system in 2030 when we realize the Vision.

  • Jayden is a student at a private university in the city.
  • Maricel and Renato are a young couple who just welcomed their first child and are working entry-level jobs.
  • Tatay Efren has been a jeepney driver for most of his life. Today is his last day at work before he takes his well-deserved retirement.
  • Dindin is a novice e-jeepney driver. Today is her last day of training, and then tomorrow, she can officially start as a certified e-jeepney driver.
  • Javi works as a Senior IT Manager for a foreign company with offices in various parts of the city. Today is going to be a long day for Javi. They need to shuttle from one office to another.
  • Lucia is a teenager with Down Syndrome. She goes to school every day and travels to her therapy center twice a week, all by herself.
  • Lola Aabidah retired just nearly a year ago after 45 years of government service. She didn’t want to be idle, so she joined the local mobility consultative committee in her neighborhood.
  • Asbjørn is a middle-aged financial manager who works for a multinational company that has a presence in the Philippines. He recently got assigned to the country and arrived just two months ago with his whole family.
  • Marco is just seven years old. He’s in 2nd grade and walks to school by himself every day.
  • Marge is a lawyer and a single mom to two kids. Her younger child, Mariana, is just 4 years old and has special needs.
  • Mae Ann is a freshman in college. She just moved to the metropolis to stay with her aunt for the duration of her studies, but she needs a part-time job to help with her expenses.
  • Princess works as a sidewalk maintenance crew leader in the metropolis, but she lives just outside the National Capital Region.

