Happy New Year!

Bring on 2014!

Company Updates


Hey guys! Michael here.

Yanni and I just wanted to reach out to everyone because it’s been an extremely big couple of weeks for us and we haven’t got a chance to post anything.

Everyone has been really supportive through this busy time! Huge thanks!

From our team, we’re wishing you all a happy new year! Have a safe and awesome NYE, whether you’re going to be at a bar or with family and friends, enjoy yourself!

New Years Parties!


Welcome Jack to the Team!

We’re happy to welcome Jack Jia to the team! We’re extremely serious about our customer service and we’ve brought Jack to help managed all requests. Give him a shoutout when you’re on chat!

1% Fees For January!

We’re so pleased with all the support that you have given us since our launch at the end of 2013, we’re going to be giving back to you guys.

Throughout January, you’ll find that we’ve changed our processing fee to a 1%.

We now work on Steam!

Games, Games, and More Games!

Let me use it in Canada!

We’re going to have this up and running by mid-January!

Put the Bookmarklet on every page

Ok, sorry. It’s been done now! ☺

Currency changing

Some told us that the currency was coming through incorrectly at times. We’re still working on it, but we’ve put a dropdown for you. In the odd case that it doesn’t select the correct currency just use the dropdown ☺

Pretty self explanatory. I just like adding in pictures.

Just keeping everything brief, we’ve got a lot of announcements coming up with news so big it makes King Kong look like a baby.

Thanks so much for all the support and stay tuned with our latest updates!

Have fun!

Kind regards,
Michael, Yanni and Jack



Company Updates

Buy anything online using bitcoin. We provide our users a service that lets them shop on all their favorite websites using bitcoin.